11. An elegant place where even Water tastes like Whisky

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I'm sorry for taking longer to update without a notice. On the final stretch of what I've planned out my writer's block hits and I really try to fistfight it mentally away (lol).

First off, this Fanfic got across all published Platforms (it's on AO3 and Wattpad!) 1k reads. Like damn, this many...I'm glad you keep on reading! This is one of my favourite Fandoms to write for, and I hope you are going to stay with me to the end. From something I wanted to write as a funny oneshot on a hot summer afternoon, it turned into a full blown crime story with romance sprinkled in.

So if you have a really crazy idea, write it down and watch it unfold into something greater.

Next update follows quicker tho! Promised :3

And for the title: I had to shorten it down because it was too long for Wattpad...the original long Title is: "A place where the atmosphere can turn Water tasting like the most expensive Whisky"


The school bell rings the lesson to an end. Relieved Will closes his books.

"The homework is here on the board, it's optional but you want to know this for your upcoming tests. Class dismissed!"

The students flood out of the classroom in minutes, leaving only Will back in the room, while the sun outside shines inside. It's good weather today, and all of everyone's worries melt away once the sun shines. The murder incident has been covered up to not cause any unnecessary drama in the university, although rumours already began to spread. Hopefully Sherlock found something yesterday, and soon they can leave this behind each other. But if it weren't for the dead man, they probably would not have started dating.

Someone knocks on the wooden door frame and takes Will back into the now and then.

"Ah, hey, you are here already." packing his last stuff in his bags and turns around to greet Sherlock.

"I did as you asked, this is my best suit! But now I'm very curious where you're going to take me."

"Couldn't come up with anything yet?"

"I might be smart, but I'm not a fortune teller."

"Alright, let me put on my shirt and we can leave." Sherlock still stands in the doorframe, leaning on one side, his arms crossed.

"Mind you looking away?" Will asks him, but Sherlock has a grin on his face that can't mean well.
"You saw me half naked twice, so it shouldn't be a problem for you to change your shirt, or is it?"

Goddamn it! He can feel his blood rise into his cheeks, so he quickly turns around and starts to unbutton his shirt.

"Your reasoning is bad, but I want to get going soon. Just for this once, alright?" Facing away from his friend he changes his shirt, only showing his back to Sherlock. Once he is done, he puts everything into his bag.

"Let me lock away some stuff and we can go, my car is down in the garage."

"Alright, after you."

The drive took them a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity. Both didn't know what to say to each other, and both having poor conversation skills did not help their case at all. So Will was even more relieved, once they arrived at their target location.

From the outside it's just a simple looking building, but on the ground floor behind small windows, hides a Jazz caffee. It's known for its well brewed coffee, the music and overall mood helps to wind down after a long week of work.

In solving Crimes, we find LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora