6. The Date

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I definitely went OOC somewhere, I apologize. Since I put this in a modern time setting, they talk differently than for example in the novels. But I still try to keep their characters and how they act as best as I can to the OGs.

As promised Louis wakes up his brother, by pulling open the curtains and ending Will's long and peaceful sleep as he hasn't had in a long time.

"Goddamn, please, close the curtains again..." he murmurs and covers his eyes from the sunlight.

"You told me to wake you up on time, and so I did. If you need any help to get ready, I don't mind helping you."

The warmth of the pillow is just too tempting. He already slept super long on his free day, but reality is calling. He has his date with Sherlock, which makes him feel a little bit too excited inside.

"Alright, let me get up and take a shower first." He gives a wry smile to his brother, who lectures him on getting up on time, tells him about the restaurant and the rules to look out for and then leaves him alone.

A shower turned out to be the perfect thing to wake him up. Drying his hair with a towel he goes down the stairs and sees them having someone over. A familiar face he appreciates to have around.

"Oh, hey James. Your cookies yesterday were really good." He waves him over.

"Thanks, I put my best into them. Moran almost ate them all, but I secured you a bunch of them."

"Why are you here?" He throws the towel over the next chair and looks for some cleaning products they bought in the bags on the kitchen counter.

"Well, I had some time to waste. Soon Moran comes to pick me up, and then the work starts."

"I'll be in the bathroom if you look for me!" he shouts so his brothers outside in the garden can hear him.

Getting ready took longer than expected, a clean appearance is everything. His silky blonde hair just perfectly frames his face, making the red eyes shine even more in contrast.

Just a shirt and the best pants, some basic makeup and he feels much better and ready.

Time to get out there, this is a war he has to win.

A war against...the brains? A battle of wits and love?

One last check in the mirror and he gets something to snack in the kitchen. The clock tells him Sherlock should be here any minute.

The doorbell is a shrill reminder that his date has arrived. "Let's go!" he tells himself and opens the door. He definitely wasn't prepared to see his neighbour this dashing. This time he tried to tidily tie his hair together, and the combo of a light shirt, a button opened and the suit all made him look just otherworldly handsome. Probably because usually he doesn't seem to care about his appearance as much as Will does.

In his hands he holds a bouquet of small blue flowers, all wrapped in silky paper.

"Here, for you." Will takes them a little bit dumbstruck by all of this.

"T-thank you, they are really nice." and put them into the kitchen.

"So, ready to get going?" he asks him and Sherlock smiles lightly.

"I've been waiting, so let's get going. You got the address?"

Will nods and takes the car keys. Today he is going to drive them to the place his brother told him about.

He didn't joke when he said the place is huge, it is literally inside a tower. Lit up by the windows inside, it shines bright against the sky, where the sun already set.

An elevator takes them up to the upper floors, where a soft carpet leads them to reception. Everything is regal and looks expensive, but his brother told him that this place is on the more lavish side of restaurants.

"Damn, you really thought I could pay for this?"

"Don't worry, the owner owes my brother a favour, and he used it for us. You can eat whatever you want today."

"This luck is...something out of a novel." he comments, barely hiding his excitement.

Will chuckles lightly and leads him to the man taking the guests to their tables.

"We got a reservation for two today, the name is "Moriarty".

"Sure, come this way."

It's a table on the window side, the view is all over London, while the ambient lights inside and the candles on the table set a romantic mood.

A red cloth on the table decorated with a small flower decorates their place, the candle holder next to it.

Both sit down, still absorbing the aura and mood this place emits.

"You chose quite the locale, this is crazy." Sherlock looks at the cutlery, it's silverware polished clean. Will puts on a flirtatious smile.
"Of course, just the best, I mean we are going on a date, and I have to leave an impression on you." he admits, getting a light chuckle in response.

"Well, you certainly did so far." answers Sherlock and stops looking at the silverware, directing his look towards his date.

His dark eyes are something Will could get lost in for a while, but he has to maintain his appearance and coolness.

"What do you want to order?" The waiter takes their orders, while they quickly look through the menu. For the dessert Will chooses something for them both to eat, a big platter with pancakes and sweets. Hopefully Sherlock likes sweets?

It doesn't take long for the appetizer to be served. It's bread with a few dips to choose from. Perfect to start their evening.

Somewhere their small talk conversation takes a turn as they discuss maths, as the blonde man is clearly more versed on the field, which makes him feel a little superior over him. The main dish follows soon, and their conversation comes to a hold. Small talk is neither their strong suit, but the silence is stifling. Also neither of them had been to many dates, so what are you gonna talk about?

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