12. Some crazy idea indeed

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"Here, you have to do something about this or else everybody will go crazy here!" Lestrade throws another package on the wooden table in front of them.

"You don't mean..." Sherlock opens it, and his eyes sparkling in excitement tell Will, that probably it's another gift for them.

"Have you done the DNA tests yet?" he asks the distressed Lestrate, who is brushing through his hair and walking up and down, trying to come up with a quick solution for them.

"Ahh, look at this! That is strangely beautiful!" exclaims Sherlock in excitement and pulls out the other "gift". It's bloody, it runs down his hands while holding it up. Something gooey and small, a little wooden piece is put into the middle of it.

"They fucking sent you a pierced heart! Isn't this getting a little bit ridiculous?" Lestrade builds himself up in front of Sherlock, who still looks very much excited at the gore and blood presented in front of him.

"Sherly, please calm down a little bit. Maybe think of the victim first here, they killed someone to send us this stuff." he closes the lid of the box as his friend puts back the organ.

"I just can't hold back in such an excited moment, sorry." The detective looks really sorry at him, then goes to clean his hands in the sink in the room corner.

"We just have to put ourselves out there as bait, maybe. Or that's what I wanted to do for a while. They are onto us already." Will explains, not letting Lestrade interrupt him.

"We both know how to defend ourselves, and if you follow us around, we might even find out where the culprit's hideout is. It's a win-win situation, we solve this case and you get all the glory for it, while we have our peace back."

"There's nothing to win, what are we going to do if you get yourselves killed?

"We won't, my martial arts are a bit rusty but I did learn some stuff." Sherlock returns to the table, his hands now blood free.

"You have to put faith into us, and if you are tailing us, send someone after us immediately. Doesn't sound too bad right?"

Lestrade lets out a loud sigh, clearly not ready to put up with these weirdos wild ideas. But better a try than none, and if it helps them finally laying this case to rest, then so be it.

"Alright, I'll pitch this idea to the others and make our preparations. You two better tell me how you plan to lure them out then."

Sherlock grins, his eyes having that sparkle again.

"Well, if you haven't noticed it, someone has been tailing us." Will shrugs in affirmation. "Yeah, they are pretty good at it. It was hard at first finding out who they are, but they must be someone very good trained at following others around without raising suspicion. They are most likely looking for a way to finally off us for something we know." explains Will and looks over the case stuff again.

A sword forging hint, a crumpled piece of paper, and the keychain to the first victim's place, and the autopsy results.

"So far we know some kind of mafia is behind this, but getting them off our tail is going to be impossible. Maybe the best way is really to storm their headquarters and put an end to their crimes for now."

Sherlock investigates the paper more closely, while Will thinks about this entire situation evolving ahead of them.

"Yes, and I can make sure to give you some help right now, let me call in my men." Lestrade takes out his phone and calls someone.

"Well...hope you are alright with this." asks Will Sherlock who lets down the paper in disappointment.

"Your idea really might be our best bet, but...I do wonder why we ended up in their sights. It has to do something with the murder. I wish we could just ask them."

Will sighs out loud. "Alright, better get ready. It's..." his wrist watch tells him that the afternoon has passed already. "If you want to get something to eat and take a very slow walk through the park in the evening, where not too many people are?"

Sherlock looks at him and leans on his arm on the table.

"That sounds absolutely romantic, Mister Moriarty, of course I want to." and smirks back.

"Alright, I got someone from our undercover troup to help you out here, so take care of yourselves. We have a tracker on him, so you do your job."

"Thanks Lestrade for putting up with our wild idea." Will bows slightly.

"You promise to help us to take them down and not die, then I let this one slide in the reports as an accident. I know nothing.You guys are still crazy."

"Indeed, we are crazy to finish this once and for all. Now excuse us, I take my boyfriend out for dinner."

The policeman raises an eyebrow at the "boyfriend" part, and Will is a little bit surprised he hasn't caught on to them being an item yet. Their way of flirting is - admittedly - for others probably more than strange.

"You already got a place in mind?" asks Sherlock as they walk up the stairs.

"Hmm...something Indian tonight might be right up my alley, you know a place?" Sherlock gives him a thumbs up, and together they leave the police station behind.

It's dark outside as they arrive at the park. The food was delicious, and bantering a little bit here and there about some topics of their liking, time has passed too quickly.

"Hey, take my hand." Will stretches it out to Sherlock, who takes it without a second thought. Covering half his face with his scarf, he tries to hide his blushing cheeks. Both holding hands in a public space like this is pressing his right buttons.

He slightly squeezes it to give his partner a little heads up, and jumps inside of joy as he gets one back.

Their breath is visible in the air, it gets colder every night. So much, that they have to wear their best coats and a scarf to be safe from the cold. Passing another street lantern, the noise of the city is the only thing they hear.

Knowing they get tailed and covered by someone from the force really calms Will's nerves. Something like this can't be done out of nowhere with a calm mind, especially not when you're holding your boyfriend's hand.

Stopping under a light close to a bench they stand in the light of the lantern and look at each other, then embracing tightly. But it's more meant as a scan around them without it being obvious. He can't make out anyone, it's too dark already.

"Let's sit down on the bench over there, but be ready for anything." Sherlock slightly nods and together they follow suit.

What happened next is what Will thought of happening, and doesn't try to fight it. Their bait has worked.

Someone grabs them from behind, and before finishing his thought he gets knocked out cold by a soaked piece of fabric. 

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