13. Taking risks

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Sorry for leaving you with such a cliffhanger hah! Writers block for one or two works especially sucks so much, but dare with me, we are almost at the end! Ahhh I'm excited and a bit sad. Hope you stay safe and healthy until the next chapter!

Slowly regaining consciousness, the world starts to fade back in. There's a wall, stone grey in his sights. His hands are tied and the feet as well, and trying to move proves impossible.

Leaning to the left he can see someone else. Sherlock? The shock hits quickly, he's worried about his friend. Is he alright, did they do something to him?

No, the way he is leaning forward, it seems he still hasn't gained consciousness. It's cold and grey around him, nobody else is close. This might be a basement somewhere, but he can't tell even how long they have been down here.

Moving his hands up and down, Will is able to loosen his shackles, but it's not enough for him to freely move them. Something comes closer, or rather someone. The steps echo throughout the room. Sherlock groans and comes back to himself, looking towards Will, still fuzzy in the head and trying to make out where he is and what exactly is going on.

"Looks like the trap worked, but..." Will breathes in deep. "They caught us off guard here."

Sherlock leans up and scans the room for any signs of where they are. The steps come closer and then they hear the creaking of a door being pushed open.

"Alright, alright!" the person claps loud into their hands, causing an even louder echo in the empty room.

"You are good, but you weren't even close." It's a woman, her dark hair falls down on her back like a waterfall. She also sports a tattoo, it looks like a snake crawling up her hand towards the shoulder. Her pants are tight, highlighting her trained but well maintained body.

Will has never seen her, but her facial features are slightly Asian. If he puts together one and two, the Criminal group being from China, it makes sense for her to be someone in power that ended up kidnapping them.

Her sharp eyes pierce through him, as if she knows that this young man just deduced her Origin.

"I can't let you run around more after you have already destroyed everything, snooping never did anybody good."

"We just did a background check on the man and some more deeper investigation into the clues you left, you did a bad job covering up your tracks." There he goes, the smart man acts too bold and somewhat stupid. Will shakes his head and just lets him talk. The woman crosses her arms, smiling devilishly.

"Well well, you didn't try to be subtle either. And even surviving one of our best hitman? Who are you?" A genuine question, judging by her tone.

"I mean, you didn't even try enough. This was a rookie mistake." Sherlock laughs into the cold empty room at the woman in front of them.

"He is not wrong, but may I ask why you have to go to such lengths as killing us?"

"Nobody comes into contact with our people and survives. You almost covered up our entire operation if we hadn't stepped in." She hisses at him, but Will seriously doesn't know when exactly that happened.

"We didn't find out more than that, it's a Chinese Mafia, and your threats were already enough for us to stop investigating." He tells her in the hopes of getting more out of her, but she seems smart enough to think about her words first.

"I doubt that you are involved with the big guys at the Force. Now I can't let you go anymore." Will tries to loosen the shackles more, but it's still not enough.

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