9. Mindgames

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The match they play is not one of chess, but more one of the looks and Liam multiple times trying to trip Sherlock up by commenting on his moves or giving him ill meant advice. But they both force themselves through the game trying not to listen to the other.

"Hmmm, you did well. You tried, but next time maybe." With a sheepish smile on his face Will leans back, celebrating his victory.

"I almost had you, but you were right, you are a tough opponent." Brushing through his chaotic black hair he also leans back after this exhausting battle of wits.

"It's already past lunch, I'm going to check the fridge for something. But I guess I forgot to go shopping..." he murmurs to himself while getting up.

A moment later he returns cursing, trying to come up with an excuse as the doorbell rings.

"Do you expect any visitors?"

"No, but I can already guess who it is."

Sherlock opens the door and reveals a young woman standing on the other side of the door, dressed in a pretty pink dress and her hair is braided tidily.

"Ohh, Miss Hudson..."

"Sherlock, you wanted to help me out with the mail that arrived this morning, it's too heavy for me! You totally forgot-" She then sees the visitor in the chair behind him, the dashing man with his fair hair and the red eyes piercing through her.

"Sorry, something else happened and now I have a visitor over, so much happened..." Sherlock looks embarrassed towards Liam.

"This is my landlady, Miss Hudson, and this is my friend William James Moriarty." he introduces her to him.

"Ahh, nice to meet you! Well, I asked someone else for help so it's all fine by now. What do you do for lunch? I passed your door and thought I have to check on you."


"Don't tell me you forgot to go shopping again when you're having a guest over!" Miss Hudson rebukes Sherlock a bit, but it seems to come from a genuinely good heart.

"You can have my leftovers, I did a bit too much for my meeting. Wait here." The woman is gone as quickly as she appeared.

"She really manages to impress you with her caring attitude, you were even embarrassed about forgetting her!"

"Of course, she is my Landlady... Anyway can't I be embarrassed too?"

"I want you to do this face for me too. And someday I will." Will tells him with such a straight face, it even scares Sherlock inside a bit.

"Ohh, you show me, Mister Moriarty."

Before their banter can continue, Miss Hudson returns, holding a clothed box in her hands.

"Come on over, it's time for you to eat!"

The energetic woman reminds Will of a mother he never had, being an orphan, the closest would be his brothers always caring for each other.

Miss Hudson stayed around until they finished up, she brought over a casserole, clearly selfmade. Her sharp eyes never passed anything.

"Sorry you had to help me out again here..."

"It's alright, I know how much you actually depend on others. But now shush, have fun with your guest!"

Cleaning their dishes Will thinks about the woman more.

"She seems really nice and probably thinks of you like a son she never had. I usually don't meet nice people this nice anymore."

"Yeah, she pops in in moments unwanted, but she really is a good soul." Together they finish cleaning the dishes, since Sherlock doesn't have a dishwasher, as Liam learned today.

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