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Hello everyone here are some reminders to you all ☺

1. Any type of hate comments will be deleted

2. Please respect everyone that is reading this

3. You can't write requests here cause i have another book exactly for that🙃

4. All the art that is in this book belong to the original artist, if it is my art i will say so😑

5. Criticism is fine :)

6. I will only be posting every two days.

7. This is the human au but all the events in the og au still happened

8. Nightmare is the older brother and Dream is the younger brother

9. Ask any questions directing to the chapter, any questions directed to the unintroduced plot will not be answered

10. I will probably re-write this.. maybe-

That is all :) i will be updating this if necessary 😌

Secret~ (HoneyLemon ship)  ON HIATUSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz