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"So what brings you both here?" Error asked

"...Nightmare.." Delusion mumbled

"I wanted to us hangout for a bit!" Nightmare exclaimed

"Well come on in then!" Error opened the door wider

Both Nightmare and Delusion entered the small home and Error shut the door right after

"So have you both eaten yet??" Error asked

"A few hours ago i guess..." Delusion mumbled

"Well, Dream can you stay for dinner?"

"If its alright.." Delusion sighed

"Great!" Error smiled

"Guys? Whats with the noise?" A tired looking Cross entered the room

"Oh hey Cross!" Nightmare greeted


"U-uh... what is HE doing here?" Cross whispered to Nightmare

"Cross i know you don't like him and all, but maybe this can be your chance to find out why Ink went with him" Nightmare responded

"...." Cross gave no response

"We'll talk about this later 'kay?" Nightmare sighed


"I can help" Delusion offered Error

"Hm? Help with what?" Nightmare asked

"Cooking!" Error responded

"Okay! Me and Cross will wait in the living room" Nightmare eyed Cross

"Okay!" Error responded both him and Delusion heading to the kitchen


"So what do you wanna cook?" Error asked resting his chin on his hand

"What about curry?" Delusion said awkwardly

"Ooh! We haven't had curry yet!" Error was amazed at the thought

"Can you teach me how???" Error eagerly asks Delusion

"Sure, its not that hard" Delusion  started tying up his hair


"Nightmare you don't know what he could be plotting!" Cross exclaimed

"I may not know, but you don't know the real side of him" Nightmare argued back

"Plus if he would have been plotting something, he would have done it when we were alone" Nightmare sighed

"Fine let's go check on both of them" Cross doubtingly said

"Sure let's go" Nightmare mumbled


"Smells good doesnt it?"

"Mmmmm.... it smells so good!" Error said enjoying the the smell of the curry

"Hm... next time you'll be able to do this by yourself" Delusion said

"Yep!" Error agreed

"Hey guys! Ooh what that smell??" Nightmare asked

"Its curry!" Error gleefully said

"Smells so good!" Nightmare exclaimed

"Mhm" Cross hummed and stared at Delusion

"Curry is almost done" Delusion hummed

"Okay! I'll set the table!" Error started to grab the plates from the cabinets

"I'll help!" Nightmare ran after Error into the other room

Cross and Delusion stayed in silence, which Cross didnt really like so he tried to start a conversation with him

"So.. Dream" Cross started

"Mm.. i already know what you want to ask.. 'why did you take away my bestfriend?..'." Delusion hummed

"Yea, how did you-" Cross got cut off

"You hated me for that right? So it would make sense.." Delusion kept an eye on the food cooking

"Right.." Cross sighed

"Then why did you?" Cross asked

".. It was ink's decision to leave.. When he found my aura, he started following me around thinking that he would finally feel emotions. I would visit him from time to time but one day he asked me if he could come with me... i couldnt turn down his request so i took him with me, and all the other stuff he did is what he decided on his own" Delusion murmured

".. his decisions?..."

"Yeah, he dould have done anything but he decided to follow me anywhere" Delusion explained

"Why did he..."

"Hm? Ah he explained that he couldnt help you with your problems cause he felt like he couldnt help you without understanding how feeling the emotion you felt at the time, i guess he's starting to feel real emotions without the need of auras anymore. You should reconnect with him.. he waited so long for the perfect opportunity to talk to you" Delusion explained further

Cross was silent, no word would exit his mouh

"I'll keep that in mind.." Cross managed to say

Delusion just smiled and took the curry and left the room

'Maybe he isn't so bad after all...'




Lol my motivation is coming back to meee (probably cuz i have this weird obsession over an anime character and want to create some shit for that but not here- OvO)
Anyways i hope you enjoyed that °u°

Bye bye-

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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