
258 10 7

Previously on chapter #07:

"Disguises?" Solar said kind of reading Delusion's head

"Mhm" Delusion said as he made his wing smaller

Solar did the same, both of them had changed clothes suitable for the cold weather in the Dreamswap au


"Ugh! Leave me alone, i already told you i dont know nothing else!" Ink shouted

"You don't really know anything, huh?" Cross said

"Yes! Now as i said 2 seconds ago I'm going back to work" Ink left

"Welp let's head back, I'm starving T-T" Nightmare said

"Sure lets go!"


"Ccino!!!" Delusion waves at ccino

"Hi Dre and...?"

"Call me Solar" Solar said

"Alright! Hi Dre and Solar! What brings you here today?" Ccino questioned

"Ahah we were in the mood for some ice cream and here we are" Delusion giggled

"Ice cream? Got it, anything else you both would like?" Ccino asked

"Right, Uhm a very less noticeable table i guess?" Solar laughed

"Hehehe alright!" Ccino laughed too

"Thanks Ccino" Delusion smiled

"No problem Dre!" Ccino smiled back

"We'll go to our table now" Delusion said grabbing Solar's hand and started dragging him to the 'very less noticeable table'

A few moments later Ccino brought them their ice cream, they paid for the food and then started to eat and chat


"Oh? Hi good afternoon how may i help you?" Ccino asked the new customers

"Ah for a moment" Night,are said and thought about what he wanted

"I'd like mango shake?" Nightmare said and is confused on why this person doesn't recognise them

"I'll have some salad" Error said

"I'll just get water" Cross added

"Mmmm... alright the total is 2.99" Ccino said

"i'll pay guys, just go find a table" Cross said

"Okay!" Nightmare and Error went to find a table


"And haha- remember-" Solar got cut off by Delusion

"Sh! Shhh!" Delusion put his hand on Solar's mouth and pointed to 2 figures that looked like Error and Nightmare

"What are they doing here?" Solar whispered when Delusion finally put his hand down

"I- i don't know.." Delusion whispered back, putting on his hood to avoid being recognized

"Don't worry Delusion, they won't recognize you, and if you get uncomfortable we can leave" Solar gently caressed Delusion's hand which helped Delusion calm down a bit

"Alright, thank you Solar.." Delusion gave a gentle smile



I had no ideas for this chapter honestly, so ye- im tired 😧
I has nothing else to say so, sayonara 🙃

Published on:
July 7 2021

Next post:
July 10 2021

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