
222 13 5

Delusion was walking around the streets, the wind blowing past him and the children's chatter slowly fading away as he walked farther away

He observed everything around him, from little animals in the woods to people passing by,
Delusion sighed as he wished for his life to be this peaceful and don't have to worry about hopelessness and chaos.

The world around him being so peaceful reminded him of the time that he and Nightmare only had each other, no villages, no people, just them... Of course things like those don't last very long so its better to enjoy it while you can.

Its started raining and Delusion sighed, he pulled up his hood and kept his phone in his pocket for it not to break from the water, it was already dusk, if he stays out too long the other might worry.

Looking for something to shelter him from the rain, he bumps into someone, he couldn't quiet see at the moment so he didn't know who it was. He picks himself up and took a glanced at the person and was shocked to see that it was Nightmare.

"Sorry!! Are you okay??" Nightmare apologized

"Y-yeah... im fine" Delusion sighed

"What are you doing out in the rain? You can get sick you know?" Nightmare frowned

"I was merely taking a stroll and it started to rain" Delusion took shelter under the tree and took his phone out to text Solar.

"Mhmm..." Nightmare hummed

"What about you? What are you doing out?" Delusion kept his eyes on the screen

"I just wanted fresh air, and the other 2 are arguing right now so yeah" Nightmare stretched

"Mhmm" Delusion mumbled and kept texting



'Hey Solar?'

'You aren't home yet, are you okay?'

'I'm fine don't worry, it just
Started raining so i won't be home for a while'

'Do you need me to pick you up?'

'No need I'll go back tomorrow
Don't worry :)'

'Okay, love you♡♡'

'Ily too 💛'

'Oh shit, the others flooded the kitchen..'

'Wait- what?!'

'Okay sorry bby but i need to fix that before the
Rest of the house gets flooded 😫'

'Okay bye! You better fix that before
I come home or all of you will get a scolding'



"Are you sick? You're burning up" Nightmare was clearly concerned

"Mhm yeah I'm fine" Delusion yawned

"Well... okay"

Silence took over them, but Nightmare decided to break the silence

"Dream... I'm sorry about.. you know before.." Nightmare mumbled

"... it alright... i didn't mean to yell at you either.." Dream sighed

"It alright" Nightmare hugged Delusion

"...can we.. spend time together again? Just like before?..." Nightmare said hesitantly

"... of course.. if you don't mind that is.." Delusion murmured

"I don't mind at all!" Nightmare chocked out

"Well then.. how about lets meet at the park tomorrow?" Delusion asked

"Okay! See ya tomorrow!" Nightmare waved goodbye to the other as he started running back

"Bye!" Delusion returned a wave

maybe the two will finally be reunited together again, just like they were before....


Posted on:
August 1 (cuz the schedule is fucked up at his point)

Probably next post date:
August 4 - 10 (cuz uh- i have no inspiration yet 😭👌)

Ahahahha this took longer than expected... i didnt even realize it was August already. I felt a bit motivated and made this one a bit longer than the last chapter hehehe-
idk if i can get inspiration for the next chapter since idk how to connect the plot so uh- expect a bit of a long wait i guess-

And honestly at this point my ass has become a sleep deprived bitch again 😫

And yeah bye ig-

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