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Previously on Chapter #05:

"Fuck its starting to rain... i hate this..." Delusion said aloud on accident

'I might aswell just visit the others..' Delusion thought

After Delusion had stepping inside the portal he made the light emitted from the portal disappeared. Even after being sneaky, little did he know that someone was watching..


"...Where did boss go?" A figure emerged out of the tree's once looking at portal emitting light that had disapeared after the yellow one had entered it

".. i probably shouldnt spy on him like this, even though i didnt mean to. Eh i'll just go back" The figure whispered to themselves


"Guys???? Im back!" Delusion yelled out.

"Delusion!!!!" Dream came tackled Delusion and both of them crashed down on the floor

"Hi Mom!!!" Riya (genderbend¡Dream) said peaking out of the door entrance

"Mamma Del is here????" Mizu (Past¡Dream) ran into the room

"Hey guys" Delusion greeted trying to get Dream off of him

"Hi Darling! C'mon, Dream lets get you of Delusion, you might suffocate him" Solar came in the room carrying Dream off of Delusion


"So! Delusion, how have you been??" Dream said while sipping some of his tea

"Ive been doing good, how have all of you been?" Delusion replied

"Were all doing great! Though sometimes they become a bit of a handfull but thats alright!" Dream said putting is cup down

"You know you can always call me if they're a handfull to you" Delusion muttered loud enough for Dream to hear

"Ehehe, no its fine, really! I know your busy with your au and that stuff and i dont want to bother you!" Dream said giving a small smile

"Ehe... I care more about you guys than my work though.." Delusion sighed

"Hm? How 'bout you take a break for a while? Your always working now, wouldnt it be nice to take a long break???" Dream exclaimed

"Hmm... that doesnt sound too bad actually, i guess ive been working my butt off the past year"
Delusion giggled

"Yay! I'll write that letter for you!" Dream rushed up to the small cabinet in the corner of the room

"What letter?" Delusion asked

"You know the one saying 'i am going to be taking a few days off' and blahblahblah" Dream said coming back to his chair and sitting back down

"You dont have to, i can do it myself!" Delusion said trying to convince Dream

"Nope! You are taking a rest now whether you like it or not!" Dream said teleporting voth of them to Delusion's room


"Bye! Go take a rest now!" Dream rushed out of the room before Delusion could even finish his sentence

'He's so full of energy, hm i guess i'll just take a short nap' Delusion thought starting to fall asleep, before he gave up his consciousness he tucked himself into his warm and cozy blanket then let himself slowly fall asleep.

Published on:
July 1

Next post:
July 4/7

Hello dear readers, i apologise for not posting the other day and for this chapter being extremely short, my motivation kinda left me and i just browsed through the internet the entire time i wasn't writing, and yes i am now writing the Dream au's part of the story. And yeah if i don't post on July 4 i will probably post on July 7 cause thats the next post date 😓

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