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Previously on chapter #00:

"Oh and one more thing, can you send me some coffee?" Dream said while already working on the papers

"Of course sir! I will be right back!" Ink said as he exited the room

Dream sighed looking at the new pile of papers, it wasn't bad as the last as this was only as small pile and the one before was a huge stack, he then decides to continue working so he can visit his boyfriend and his friends soon.


Dream kept working on his paperwork, once he had finished one paper he looked at the clock on his right

3:05 pm

Dream sighs and proceeds to finish the rest of the papers.
3 minutes later Ink came in with a hot cup of coffee

"Here is your coffee sir!" Ink said setting down the coffee on the table far from the papers so coffee won't accidentally spill on the papers

"Thanks you may leave now" Dream said facing back to the papers on his hands

"Let me know if you need anything else sir" Ink bowed

"Mhm" Dream said still facing his papers

Ink exited the room closing the door lightly since he knows that Dream does not like loud sounds and that includes the loud door creaks

Time skip: 11 hours later

*Ringing noises*

"Hmm..?" Dream groaned, he looked really tired but he slowly picked the phone up

-Call started-

"Who is this?" Dream asked trying to sound

"Hello Honey~"

"Solar? What are you doing up?" Dream asked

"I should ask you that darling~ its 2 in the morning!" Solar exclaimed

"Sorry... i still have some paper work to finish though, i can't sleep yet!" Dream said weakly

"Darling~ we talked about this.. go get some rest, i don't want you fainting again 'kay?" Solar said clearly upset

"B-but.." Dream hesitately said but

"I'm taking you back to my au, no complaining" Solar said seriously


Hello everyone :) early upload i guess? (Its literally 11pm here-) Sorry for the short chapter, i had to write this in one hour- and i have to go somewhere later so ye- have a good day/night everyone :)


Published on June 12-13

Next chapter publish date will be on June 16

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