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Previously on Chapter #01:

"B-but.." Dream hesitately said but

"I'm taking you back to my au, no complaining" Solar said seriously


After a few minutes of waiting, a yellow flash appeared in the room along with an intense amount of positive energy

"Hello honey!" Solar enthusiasticlly said

"Hello Solar" Delusion greets back

"We should go now before someone feels the sudden change of positive energy" Delusion added

"Whatever you say darling~" Solar says as he picks Delusion up and hops in a portal


"Error!!! Please help!!!"

"Cross what happened????😪" Error said peaking out of the other room

"I dont know i just woke up like this!!😢" Cross said

"Hahahaha 😂"

"Shaddup Nughtmare 😣" Cross said facing Nightmare

"How did you even get yourself in that position to begin with???" Error asked trying to untangle the stings off of Cross' body

"I dunno! I just woke up like this!!" Cross semi-shouted

Nightmare then was lost in thought, making Cross and Error's conversation muffled  in his head. Still deep in thought he felt a sudden change in positivity, he knows that there was already so much positivity around them but this aura was extreme that not even Dream(Delusion) was capable of having. As his friends muffled sentences were becoming more clearer,

"NIGHTMARE!!" Cross shouted

"Wha-? Hmm? Yes?" Nightmare quickly responded

"You were deep in thought again" Error said, as Nightmare looks to him, he notices he was making tea

"Was i? Oh sorry about that" Nightmare said while a yawn came out of his mouth

"Hmm? Oh are you sleepy? How about we get you to bed?" Error said approaching him



Omigosh sorry for the late post! I pulled an all nighter(Guess who stayed up until 5 am! Totally not me) to finish this short as fuc- chapter TwT
Lol yes a switch in pov's if you werent paying attention and the thing about Cross is uh- got stuck in strings-

Another a/n:
Fuc- yep stayed up until 5am again- and i forgot to publish this yesterday omigosh! Im such a fricking idiot!!

Published on:
June 16
Next post:
June 19 2021

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