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Previously on Chapter #08:

"Don't worry Delusion, they won't recognize you, and if you get uncomfortable we can leave" Solar gently caressed Delusion's hand which helped Delusion calm down a bit

"Alright, thank you Solar.." Delusion gave a gentle smile


"Hey Night, that looks like Dream over there" Error mumbled to Nightmare's ear

Night looks behind him and saw a blonde male, that looks awfully similar to his brother

"Yeah, your right..." Nightmare responded

"Why dont you check if its really him and apologise for last time?" Error suggested

"Yeah sure, i will. If i dont come back before Cross arives, tell him that im doing something." Nightmare then stood up from the chair he was sitting on and started walking to the person that looks like his brother


"Solar can we leave? Its getting a bit too crowded here hehe" Delusion chuckled

"Hehe, ofcourse" Solar said taking Delusion's hand and lifted him off his chair

"S-solar! Slow d-down a bit!" Delusion said as Solar dragged him outside

"Sorry baby~" Solar burried his face in Delusion's hair while he hugged him

"Its fine" Delusion said his tone softening a bit

"You okay?" Solar asked and looked at what his boyfriend was staring at and saw a familiar purple figure

"Oh..." Solar sighed

"You wanna go home?" Solar held Delusion's hand

"I'd like that...." Delusion responded

"Alright lets go!" Solar said holding both of his boyfriend's hands, already ready to leave but someone interrupted

"Wait! Brother!" The purple head said

"...." no respond and he didnt even look back at Nightmare

"Brother.... im sorry about last time" Nightmare apologetically said

"...." still no response

"I really am sorry... i didnt mean-" Nightmare was interrupted

"J-just leave me alone" Dream stuttered, it was clear he wasn't ready to talk to his brother yet

"Solar, let's go back.." Delusion looked at Solar

"Ah.. of course, come one Dream" Solar said, not using the name 'Delusion' to avoid suspicion from Nightmare

Nightmare just stood and watched as Dream and his companion left, and disappeared from Nightmare's sight. He sighed and decided to go back to his friends.

Published on:
July 13 2021

Next post on:
July 16 or July 19 2021

Hey guys! I completely forgot what date it was 😭, yeah- i already have the plot set out i guess although im still making minor and major changes in the story plot 👁👄👁 so yeah-  lol bye

Secret~ (HoneyLemon ship)  ON HIATUSKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat