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Previously on Chapter #02

"Wha-? Hmm? Yes?" Nightmare quickly responded

"You were deep in thought again" Error said, as Nightmare looks to him, he notices he was making tea

"Was i? Oh sorry about that" Nightmare said while a yawn came out of his mouth

"Hmm? Oh are you sleepy? How about we get you to bed?" Error said approaching him


It was bright and early in the morning, breeze swung the blonde's hair.
Waking up to such a beautiful scenery is what Delusion adored so much, he should have been back to Jr by now but he still wanted to stay a bit longer cause once he come back he would be piled by stacks and stacks of paper work.

"Hmm... Such a nice view, right?" Solar said running his hand through Delusion's hair

"Mhm... i wish i could stay here with you forever.." Delusion said resting his head on the balcony railings

"Technically you can, since we can't die right? You can also leave your au if its too much you know?" Solar said

"I know but... I'm worried" Delusion said, even if his face was covered Solar knew he was upset

"About what? There are so much things to worry about, which one specifically are you worried of?" Solar said hugging Delusion's back

"I fear that the peoples lives there would change for the worst. It is my dutie to give them the best lives the could live" Delusion spoke

"You don't have to carry their burden, you know? And there is something else bothering you isn't there?" Solar responded

"*sigh* its... my brother.... i just want to talk to him but he keeps running away... just like how he always ran away from his problems when both me and him were younger" Delusion said while adoring the flower that Solar gave to him

".... Its alright.... come on people will start to worry about you" Solar said attempting to stand up but forgetting the Delusion was on him and falls back down on the chair

Delusion giggled at Solar's actions, and Solar just gave an embarrassed look in response

"Okay, bye hunny!" Delusion stood up and created a portal for himself



Yes- some honeylemon fluff :3
Ughhh my mind is a mess rn 😧✋
I have done my best writing this since motivation just left the chat-😥

Published on:
June 19 2021

Next post:
June 22 2021

Secret~ (HoneyLemon ship)  ON HIATUSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ