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Warning: this contains mature language / Swearing

Previously on Chapter #04:

Delusion smiled after reading the letter, he was happy that they were doing better than him, his thoughts started battling against each other not knowing what to do, was he going to got to Nightmare first? Or will he go investigate first?
After a few seconds he finally decides to got to Nightmare first, he hopes he won't runaway from him this time


Once Delusion had arrived at the supposed place, he saw Ink, a few other guards and Nightmare's group.
He sighed and dismissed everyone else.


"What do you want..."

"Listen.. i just want to talk"

"Like hell i will! You've been trying to capture me! I have no idea of what I' fucking done to you!" Nightmare yelled out

This only made Delusion angry, 'how could you forget what you did in the past!', 'Did our promise just disappear out of the world or something?!'. Delusion put his thoughts aside and just wanted to leave

"Fine, if you want to leave so bad then go ahead. Its not like I'm stopping you anyway dumbass" Delusion let the words spill out of him and walked away, leaving Nightmare, Cross and Error in a state of shock


"Was... he always like that? Or..." Error asked Nightmare

"No! Never he's never been like this! Even when we were younger..." Nightmare chocked out

"It seems that he's angry about what you said to him.." Cross said

"But i dont even remember what i did to him for him to do this to me..." Nightmare silently said

"We should leave now guys.. Its starting to rain!" Error said grasping both Cross and Nightmare's hands


'I cant beleive him... first he broke our promise and then he forgets about it...' Delusion let the train of thoughts come back to him, he'll just stay silent incase someone was around

"Fuck its starting to rain... i hate this..." Delusion said aloud on accident

'I might aswell just visit the others..' Delusion thought

After Delusion had stepping inside the portal he made the light emitted from the portal disappeared. Even after being sneaky, little did he know that someone was watching..


Published on:
June 25

Next post:
June 28


:) hii!!! Yes another short chapter :') sorry, I'm still figuring this plot along the way and i don't really script this, it usually comes from my mind so yeah-, anyways buh-bye!

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