Chapter 15

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"Okay, I don't know what that was, but dang you've got some moves, dude," Chris walked back onto stage as he clapped, as a bar appeared above him, showing that Chef had liked the talent enough to give Justin a 6 out of 9. However Justin wasn't really paying attention to Chris, instead he was hoping inside that his little scene was enough to start gaining some of a certain Crossdresser's affections.

"First up for the Killer Bass, make some noise for the big guy....DJ!" The Host announced, once Justin had walked off the stage and the interns had dried up the water that was on stage. This time, the Killer Bass cheered for their teammate, who leapt onto the stage, however it seems as if his graceful self had left the chat.

DJ spun his ribbon, planning on leaping through it, only for his feat to get tangled up mid flight, causing him to hit the ground harshly. Everyone winced at the fall, but DJ kept going and ended his routine with a pose as soon as he was able to pull the ribbon from his legs, but now it was laying on top of his head.

"Dainty and yet masculine. Let's see what the Grandmaster Chef thinks."

Chris walked back up stage, holding in his laughter from the fall that DJ had, as the bar appeared, revealing that DJ only got a 2.

With that, the dark skinned male walked off the stage with his head held down in shame, while Chris brought up the Screaming Gophers' second talent, Trent.

Trent started his act, meanwhile backstage, (M/n) was trying to cheer DJ up.

"DJ, do you need anything like bandaids, ice? That fall was quite to watch," the (h/c)ette asked as he sat next to the bigger male, who tried to hide his face away from him. Look, DJ already just humiliated himself on TV, he doesn't want to humiliate himself further, especially in front of his crush.

"No, I'm fine, besides me, you need to go get ready, it's almost your turn soon," DJ spoke as he lifted his head up, showing the shorter male, a small smile, letting him know that he'll be okay. The (h/c)ette didn't want to leave the big softe's side, but could sense that the taller male wanted to be alone at the moment. "Alright, if you say so. But make sure you're sitting in the crowd, once Light's turn comes up! I promise you that his and my routine are opportunities that you don't want to miss!" the Crossdresser winked at DJ, before he walked away, now even more determined to show off his skill.

Meanwhile, on the stage, Chris pushed Trent off to the side, after Chef had given him a five out of nine, making a comment about how the Killer Bass are losing, before introducing Bridgette.

The blonde took a second to come out, but managed to get onto the stage as she continued to stand on her hands. She was doing fine for a second before suddenly she started to burp a deep ass burp, like it was from the chest type of burp.

On the second burp that left the female's mouth, also came out some throw up. Next thing everyone knows, was Bridgette blowing up chucks that were able to hit Owen, Sadie, and Katie. And somehow that whole thing was able to get two out of nine from Chef.

Luckily the Interns were able to get the place clean in no time, as everyone took five.

"Alright without further delay, a man who isn't as innocent as the color of his hair, Light!"

Chris announces the third act as the said teen walks onto the stage with a sword in hand, now everyone was on the benches as well as the previous contestants, while the ones who didn't go yet, stood beside the curtains so they could see what talent the Teen was about to show them.

"Now, Light, let's see if Uncle has helped you improve." (M/n) mused to himself as he watched as his brother got ready to start his routine.

'Alright, calm down, if you do this right, you will be closer to winning the bet,' Light thought to himself as he closed his eyes and let out a breath.

A few seconds went by and for a second everyone, but (M/n), thought that Light wasn;t going to perform, only to jump in their seats when the pinkette suddenly swung his sword to the side.

From right to left, Light swung his sword as if he was hitting something out of the way and proceeded to take a step forward, only to lean back, which quickly turned into a spin as he used his blade to lead his way.

One by one, the Campers were watching with wide eyes, as a, a battle took place in front of them. They watch in awe as Light jumps back as he throws his sword into the air, as if it had gotten knocked out of his hand. As soon as the pinkette landed, he quickly did another jump back, but this time he added a flip to it, and raised his land into the air, just as his sword came falling down, aiming to pierce his stretch out hand.

Lindsay let out a small scream at the sight, while the others on the stands either gasps or cover their eyes, not ready to see blood. Light ignores the sounds and leans his hand out of the blade's path, before quickly catching the handle with his wrist, causing the sword to spin around his hand.

To keep the pacing, Light kept guiding his hand with the sword as it spun at different paces and he kept his footsteps light and soft as he kept to his routine. With each spin there was grace. With each step, there was strength. And with each movement period, there was Light.

And just like how he began, he ended his routine, suddenly, as he caught his sword midspin and sliced the air in front of him.

Total Drama Crossdresser (Seme!Male Reader x Various)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora