Chapter 2

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Everyone quickly ran to the cabin, straight to the girls side, and slam the door open, only to see Lindsay on a stool. “Oh man. Can that white girl can scream,” LeShawna stated, as everyone watch as the said blonde scream her heart out, as a cockroach stood in front of her.

“What is it?! Kill it! Kill it!!” Lindsay cried out, just as the cockroach started to move around, which scared DJ into jumping and breaking a bed. “That was my bed,” Gwen sigh, just as Harold and Light ran in, trying to kill the the pest, only to missed as Beth, and Heather jump on another bed to get away. ‘Why is everyone screaming? It's only one bug,’ (M/n) thought as he stomp around the room, trying to kill the pest, which quickly bobbed and weave it way, around the teenagers’ feet.

Cockroach’s POV

‘HOLY MOLDY OF FUCKING CHEESE! I'M NOT DYING TODAY, MOTHERFUCKERS!’ I thought as I quickly weave around the humans’ feet. Like what the hell?! I only came in here, to peek- Um I meant get some food. But dayummm! I got to say that the blonde and the (h/c)ette were fiiinnnee as fuck!

I quickly made my way to the door, to save my wonderful life...but was blocked by a pink haired male and a dual haired male….did the pinkette just give this dude a axe?!?!?!

“Help me!” I whimper out, before the male brought the axe down on my body, as I saw my life flashing before my eyes-

Back to 3rd POV

“Well that's one way to kill a cockroach,” Gwen smile, as Tyler peek into the room, behind her, before walking in. “Hehehe! Well, wasn't that quite fun,” the Crossdresser giggles into his hand, causing the boys in the room, to blush at the sound.

“(M/n)! None of those dirty boys touch you, did they!?” Light spoke as he walk over to the male, who smile at his reactions. The (h/c)ette only shook his head at his brother's overprotectiveness, before walking out of the cabin, with the pinkette following.

Soon after some minutes, everyone soon gather into the main lodge and were soon forced to stand in a line, to listen to Chef’s speech. “LISTEN UP! I SERVE IT THREE TIMES A DAY AND YOU WILL EAT THREE TIMES A DAY! Grab a tray, get your food and sit your butts down NOW!!”

Everyone got there food

“Wow! This might be my first time, eating real food! Thank you for preparing this meal, Chef!” (M/n) beamed as he grab his tray and quickly walked to his table, ready to put this into his stomach. ‘I pray for my stomach, so I can stay alive long enough to help my brother find a good man that will protect him...if the fucker can even pass my test or my Father's,’ Light pray as he sat between Sadie and Lindsay, looking at his meal, which kept moving and twitching.

“Yo, my man. Can we order pizza?” Geoff asked Chris, who just entered the lodge, before Light nodded his head quickly in agreement. “Please, can we order pizza. You know it's  fucking serious, if I'm saying ‘please’!” the pinkette spoke out as he glance at his meal, like it was planning to kill him.

A knife came sailing from the kitchen into the doorway, scaring the two. “Ah! It's cool G! Brown slop is cool! Hehehe, right guys,” Geoff nervously laugh as he look at Chef, who cross his arms with another large knife in hand, while everyone else, except (M/n), laugh with him.

“Hey, Light! This is delicious! You should eat, or you'll lose strength. Take a bite for me? Please,” the (h/c)ette spoke from his spot next to Duncan, causing his brother to quickly start eating his meal. “Woah. How can you stand this, Sweetheart?” the dual haired male ask, curious on how the Crossdresser can eat this food, like it was from some fast food place. “I don't understand what you're talking about. This is on par with my mother's, heck it might be even better!” the Crossdresser praise, as he finished his bowl of whatever it is, just as Chris told them that their first challenge begin in a hour.

Hour pass, on top of a cliff You're not wearing a swimsuit like Eva

“Oh fuck,” Dj spoke, taking back what he said to Katie, so he can comfort her. Everyone looked at the Host of the show, like he was crazy...which he is. The insane male, then proceed to explain what the challenge was and what will happen when you lose.

“Let's see. Killer Bass, you’re up first,” Chris said, with a smirk gracing his face. “Oh, wow, mmm. So, who want to go first?” Bridgette spoke, after looking down from the cliff and at the tiny bullseye, that will keep them safe, but of course nobody said a thing.

“I shall do it! Just let me strip out of my clothes, first!” (M/n) smile, as he started to lift his shirt up, to the delight of the other males, revealing his stomach, before a set of hands stop him from revealing anything else. “No,” Light pulled the (h/c)ette’s shirt back down, causing him to pout, unknowingly making the teenagers sigh in disappointment.

Bridgette was the first one to jump and to successfully land inside the ring. With that, she motivated everyone to jump after her, aka Tyler.

The brunette, with a shout, ran off the cliff with a shout, which quickly became one of pain as he landed on one of the post, before sliding into the water. “Ooh,” Bridgette covered her mouth as she stood on the boat, before Tyler got over the pain and swam to the boat.

After that Geoff jump off with an excited shout, with Eva coming down next as she shouted for people to move out the way. Duncan fell after them without a scream or shout, with his not giving a fuck attitude showing. DJ look at the edge, before saying no and being forced to wear the chicken hat of shame, after Chris mocked him. Ezekiel jump off the cliff next, before hitting rock on the way down, forcing him into a least he landed in the safe zone. And soon came Harold's turn to jump….let’s just say that even the sharks felt pity for him and everyone wince at the fall...good news is that he made it in the safe zone, like everyone before him.

The confession booth

“Ohh. Never had I felt more sorry for someone than at that moment,” the (h/c)ette started to chew on his thumbnail, with pity painting his face. “I had heard of a belly-flop, but never would I had expected to witness a dick-flop...or is it called something else, but either way, I feel sorry for Harold.”

Well...I'll continue this in the next chapter...I really need to update the others...LATERS!!

Total Drama Crossdresser (Seme!Male Reader x Various)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant