Chapter 16

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Remember guys, the males of the Killer Bass know that you're a guy, but everyone else think that you're a girl.

"WOAH! That was Amazing, and I say that Grandmaster Chef agreed with my statement!" Chris exclaimed while clapping as he walked back onto stage, just as both teams stood up from their seats and were clapping as hard as they could, having enjoyed the show. And just as Chris had said, Chef did enjoy and liked Light's talent so much that the pinkette was able to get full marks.

"Okay, can the Killer Bass turn this around? I doubt it, but anyway, here comes the one and only beauty of the camp! (M/n)!"

Light walked off the stage, passing by his brother as he did so. "That was the greatest sword dance that I have ever seen from you, but don't think you have been the only one training, Light dear."

"I wouldn't dare to, (N/n). I can't wait to see what you have improved on."

The Crossdresser giggles at the words, before he walks out onto the stage, with his heart pounding, but at the same time, it was calm...maybe because he knows that family is here...and also because he wanted to win the bet no matter what.

The (h/c)ette stood in front of everyone, not knowing that his outfit was making more fuel for the boys on either team to use privately. The males on both teams had to look away to get their shit together, especially since this was the first time they saw the Beautiful teen with his/her hair up.

(M/n) took a deep breath, before letting it out slowly, as his gaze slowly turned from soft to more of a seductive one. And just like that, (M/n) started to show everyone his talent.

The (h/c)ette slowly started to move his arms around as if he was greeting someone, as if he had lured someone into his sweet trap. Before anyone could do anything, basically before Heather could act like it was boring and make a big and loud yawn, (M/n)'s arm suddenly shot out to the side and everyone heard a loud thump!

The Teens quickly took a peek at what made the noise, none of them wanted to take their eyes off of the Crossdresser, but curiosity got the better of them. What they saw surprised all of them. There stuck in the wall was a knife. As soon as they realise that, targets suddenly pop up out of nowhere around them.

And just like that, the (h/c)ette was set into motion.

With an innocent smile paired with seductive eyes, (M/n) started his routine as he swayed his hips, as he spun around and threw another knife into the air, easily striking the target that was up in the corner of the theater.

"W-where is she getting those knives from?" Heather mutters to herself in shock as she watches the Teen spin around like it was no care in the world, while hitting each target like it was nothing, getting bullseyes no less!

Nothing was utter or heard as everyone stayed quiet, watching as the (h/c)ette would spin, or flip around like he was dancing, while hitting the bullseye of each target. The only thing that kept it from being total silence, was the pitter patter of (M/n)'s feet and the sound of knives burying themselves into the targets.

Soon the Crossdresser started to slow their spins as they came to the end of their routine. Now the (h/c)ette's eyes weren't seductive, but were becoming their usual kind gaze again. Everyone watches with bated breath, wondering how the Teen was going to end it, when a target suddenly pops up from behind Daucan, scaring Katie and Sadie.

Before anyone could move, the Crossdresser had already thrown his weapon at the target. The knife sailed through the air and pierced the red bullseye that was slightly behind the Punk's left ear.

After that throw, the Crossdresser gave a bow to the two Teams, who quickly started clapping and cheering from the sheer epicness that they had seen.

Confession Booth: Duncan

The dual haired male sat there in shock as he stare forward, not knowing what to say expect for:


Duncan touched his left ear, remembering how he felt the air of the blade passing by him before it had met the target and how loud it was when it had buried itself into it.


A blush crept up the punk's neck and it made to his ears as he continued to stare off into space.

Confession Booth ended

"Someone better smack me and call me Sally, I did not expect this! Another full mark was handed out and it seems that the Killer Bass is catching up! Could this be what they needed or could the Leader of the Screaming Gophers put an end to that? Here's Heather!"

Heather walked out on stage in her outfit that she needed, but instead of showing her talent, the ravenette used this chance to get back at Gwen for going against her. The bossy Teen, sat on stage and read Gwen's diary out loud for everyone to hear.

"And you telling me to be nice to that," Light asked his brother, for the two decide that they didn't want to sit down, yet. "I thought she would be better than this. It's a shame that I was wrong...sigh. You don't have to be nice, but at least don't try to cause her harm, we are going to be in enough trouble as it is," the Crossdresser sighed as he rubbed his temple, while taking a worried glance at the direction Gwen had run off to. He wanted to comfort the poor girl, but also knew that some people wanted to be alone when something like this happened.

After Heather's turn, which had gained no points from Chef, which means the Killer Bass still have a chance to win, as long as they get around seven points or more. Unknown to the others, backstage, Geoff broke his skateboard in half, and now Bridgette and Courtney were panicking.

Next thing, everyone knew, Harold was pushed onto stage. The Nerd stood there for a second, before he glanced at Bridgette and Courtney, who encouraged him to do it. With that the redhead reveals his skills in beatboxing, wowing the Campers and everyone behind the screen.

Harold ended his beatboxing with a soft booyah, as both teams started to cheer at the amazing performance, and Chef gave the Nerd a nine out of nine, causing the Killer Bass to win once again!

Later that night, the Screaming Gophers were at the campfire, everyone but Heather and Justin had a marshmallow. Sadly, Heather was able to get the last marshmallow, meaning Justin was on the boat of losers. Even though the ravenette didn't get voted off tonight, it didn't mean she was safe, because just as everyone was about to sleep, they heard her screams as she ran out of her cabin, covered in ants.

"I should have known Light was planning this...he most likely told Gwen that Harold had an ant farm," the Crossdresser mused to himself as he looked out the window, watching as Heather ran around, trying to knock the ants off of her.

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