Chapter 22

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It couldn’t come fast enough. I felt like one of those desperate people on movies who stare at the clock, willing time to go faster. When the bell finally rang, I got up quickly and dashed out of the room.

I wasn’t sure if Tristan was waiting for me or not, but I didn’t really care, knowing he’d understand. I saw Ace waiting by my locker and I shyly approached him. “Hi.”

“Hey gorgeous.”

I smiled and put my books away. “Where are we going?”

Ace smiled. “My place.”

“Cool.” I nodded. “I’m ready to get out of this place, so you wanna go?”

“Sure.” Ace agreed.

We headed off, me walking beside Ace, our hands entwined. I saw almost everyone staring at me like they were surprised that I was actually with someone –a popular someone- after I ‘spread’ those rumours. We exited the school and I followed him to his car which was a very nice black car of some sort. I was never one to know every single car name, but I knew that this was a very flashy one.

He unlocked it and I slid into the front seat beside him, admiring the leather interior.

“Nice car,” I commented. “It’s so clean.”

Ace laughed. “My folks got it for me and threatened to take it away if I ever messed it up.”

I nodded. It was a good idea to keep it clean – he must have lots of lady friends with a car like this.

He started the car, a small breeze of cool air coming from the fan. He turned the radio on and sped out of the car park.

“So where do you live?” I asked casually. If he had a nice car, he must have a nice house.

“Oakley Estate,” he said casually, pulling a stray hair off his shirt.

He must be really rich then if he lived on Oakley Estate; only really old, rich people live there or really successful business people. I wasn’t even sure if Victoria was rich enough to live there.

“Wow, you must get pretty spoiled then,” I said in awe.

Ace shrugged modestly. “It’s not something I like to boast about or tell everyone.”

I nodded in approval. Ace was definitely the person for me. Not shallow or superficial, not someone who boasted like Victoria, just a regular guy.

He drove into Oakley Estate, the large two storey houses looming above us, neatly trimmed lawns, perfectly styled hedges, immaculate gardens and nothing out of place. “Wow,” I quietly breathed. I was trying to do the whole ‘I’m not fazed that you’re rich’ act, but I think I was failing miserably. When you live in a grubby flat 24/7, it’s like living in the village then visiting the castle.

“We’re here,” Ace said in my ear, making me shiver. That was when I realised the car had stopped. I quickly got out, acting like I wasn’t gobsmacked at how nice this place was. I brushed down my jeans and ran my fingers through my hair, hoping that I looked ‘presentable’ for visiting.

Ace’s house was similar to the others – almost black wood that overlapped the one under it slightly. The big door was black like the house and had a long silver handle. There were big grey pavers leading up to the house with small trees in red pots on either side of the small path. The lush green grass reminded me of a golf green where it was so soft you just wanted to walk around on it barefoot.

I followed Ace, making my way up to the door with him in front of me. He opened the door, revealing a foyer with polished wood floors. It was very minimalistic and it had dark grey/olive walls supporting nice paintings.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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