Chapter 5

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I jumped up, walking over to Victoria's table with my head held high even though it was becoming sticky from the drink Victoria had dumped on me. The laughs grew louder as I approached her table which made me boil with fury even more.

Walking straight over to Alyssa, my mouth set in a firm line, I grabbed her arm.

"Ow!" she screeched dramatically as soon as I touched her. "Get your dirty hands off me!"

"Not until you give me an explanation of why you gave me an unnecessary shower."

Suddenly the table was quiet apart from a couple of whispers. I felt everyone's eyes on me, and I willed my cheeks not to heat up.

"What?!" she growled, her eyes flashing. "It was an accident!"

"Yeah?" I asked, spotting James's can of coke. I swiftly grabbed it and smirked at her. "Just like this is an accident," I said before pouring the drink over her, and watching the brown liquid gush out and all over Victoria who was shrieking.

James jumped up. "What is your problem?!"

"You should ask your so called girlfriend the same thing."

"And what do you mean by that?" he asked, his voice low and scary.

"You do know she probably sleeps with half of your friends."

Victoria stood up then too. "Why you little liar!" she screeched. "Who do you think you are?!"

I glared at her. "Who do I think I am?" I asked. "I'm just simply someone who is sick of getting pushed around by idiots."

I heard a loud bang and jumped. I turned and saw James's fist on the table. "If you think you're trying to break me and Victoria up so you might have a chance with me, you're dreaming!"

I rolled my eyes, even though I was starting to feel like cowering behind someone - James could be very scary when he tried. "Who would want a chance with you?" I asked.

He raised his eyebrows and smirked. "Everyone. Now stay away from us."

I turned around quickly and walked away from Victoria and James. They weren't worth getting angry over.

"This isn't over!" I heard Victoria scream to my retreating back.

I didn't reply as I walked back over to Cassie who's mouth was slightly open. Trying to ignore everyone's stares, I went over to where Cassie was sitting with a spring in my step even though my shirt was sticking to my back and iced tea was soaking my hair.

"Who are you? Wonderwoman?" she asked tentatively, almost looking scared of me.

I laughed. "Hardly. Being wonderwoman doesn't mean standing up to morons who aren't even worth it."

Cassie looked at me amazed. "But do you know how much everyone has wanted to do something like that to Victoria? And James?"

I shrugged. "Well hopefully more people will start standing up for themselves."

Cassie nodded. "That would be amazing. The school would be a much better place without the cheerleaders and jocks being popular."

"In our dreams." I laughed. "Now we better get this muck cleaned off of us."

"I can help," Cassie offered. "You do look pretty... sticky. And I probably do too."

I gave her a big smile. "That would be great."


I closed the door to the flat quietly, trying to creep into my room without being seen.

I had managed to clean some of the tea off me, but I still has splotches on my top and my hair was drying into clumps from sticking together.

I wasn't sure about this whole makeover thing now, I mean, the main reason I did this was to not be recognised as a geek, yet Victoria made it clear that I was still a loser people could pick on.


Crap. I froze where I was, a couple of meters away from my bedroom.


"Why are you sneaking around?" I heard her ask, her footsteps coming closer to me.

"What? I'm not sneaking around."

Mom opened the lounge door and walked into the hallway, her eyes wide in shock. "What happened?"

I tried to hide my messy shirt by holding my backpack against my chest. "N-nothing mom. Just a little accident in the cafeteria." I pasted a smile on my face as I turned to go. I wasn't in the mood for an interrogating parent.

She still looked suspicious but she nodded her head. "Okay, go get cleaned up."

I thanked her and went into my room fast, but not fast enough for her to think I was running from her. I definitely didn't want my mom on my back about being teased. Grabbing a new change of clothes, I went into the bathroom and had a long, relaxing, luxurious shower. The good thing was, we had a lot of hot water for the two of us, so I didn't really have a time limit for the shower which was great because I adored them.

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