Chapter 12

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     He must have felt that someone was staring at him, because he looked up, his blue eyes looking around. They suddenly landed on me, and I felt mortified that he had caught me staring. But surprisingly, he gave me a smile before going back to his reading.

     I was completely caught off guard from that random act of kindness, because no one had ever done anything like that since those rumours -about Cassie and me - had started. Maybe he was completely unaware about everything people were saying about me. What if he was being really nice, then he found out about  me and just dropped me like Liz and Ebony did?! At that thought I just about gave up hope of just talking to him or trading smiles. He wouldn’t want to be friends with someone like me.

     That’s when I noticed he had stood up and was now walking over to me, a slight swagger in his step, but not like how the popular guys did it like ‘I’m so powerful, everyone look at me’. This guy almost did it like he was born with it. I hoped I wasn’t blushing; that would make it really awkward.

     I looked down out of habit and panicked when he was standing right next to me, a mix of citrus and something fresh that strangely reminded me of a rain forest. He smelt so good, I just wanted to hug him and smell him all day.

     “Hi,” he started, and I had to look up at him - hoping I didn’t look too starstruck. I mean, come on he was just a guy! A hot guy, yes, but I tried to ignore that so I could talk to him more normally.

     “I’m Tristan,” he continued. “I’d shake your hand but that might seem weird.”

     I immediately felt at home around this guy. I don’t know if it was his smooth and calming melodic voice, or just that he seemed really nice but I had a feeling I wouldn’t have to act ‘cool’ to make him like me or anything.

     I shot him a smile. “Don’t worry about it. I’m Alyssa.” when I said my name, I mentally kicked myself. He’d definitely know who I was now, and probably run off in case he was seen with me.

     Surprisingly he nodded and took the seat next to me. “Why are you hiding out here then? You’re  pretty popular at the moment.”

     I stared at him incredulously. “Everyone hates me,” I admitted. “I’m surprised you’re actually talking to me at the moment.”

     He laughed and shrugged. “That doesn’t faze me,” he replied simply, putting a bookmark in his book and closing it. “I don’t believe anything that comes out of Victoria’s mouth, and I know for certain that she would have to be the culprit in this little scandal.”

     I couldn’t believe what he was saying. To hear someone say that was just a miracle in my case when it seemed like everyone had turned against me. “Wow.” I finally murmured. “You’re the first person who doesn’t believe Victoria. I can’t believe this freaking school still worships her.”

     He grinned. “It’s good we see eye to eye.”

     I smiled back, clearly agreeing until another thought popped up in my head. “Why haven’t I seen you around before?” I asked aloud.

     “I like to keep a low profile,” Tristan replied. “People like me get teased, if you haven’t noticed. The geeky loners who like poetry.” But as he said this, he didn’t seem upset or sad. He looked pretty content with his school life which I liked. It must be pretty good to just go to school without any interruptions with his daily schedule. But I still didn’t get it. He was really hot, and I thought he would fit in perfectly with this school. Stupidly enough, I said this thought out loud, but to my relief, he just laughed.

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