Chapter 15

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 The next morning at school, I felt more bulletproof. I knew that I had a friend now, and I felt like I could stand up for myself more. Since it was a new day and I was in a good mood, I made an effort to dress nicely like I had just after my makeover. I walked down the halls, not worrying about people who whispered about me or pushed past me like I wasn’t there at all.

     I spotted Tristan by a row of lockers, pulling out his books and putting them in his black backpack. I jogged up to him, relieved that he wasn’t hiding from me.

     “Hi,” I said to him when he saw me. I felt great when he didn’t turn away from me or run away when I came over to him. In fact he gave me a big smile.

     “Hey to you too,” Tristan grinned. “You clean up nicely when you want to.”

     I blushed, remembering how the first time I saw him I was just wearing a big shirt that resembled a potato sack and baggy jeans. “Thanks.”

     Just then I saw Victoria approaching us – mainly me – with an evil glint in her eye. Tristan must have noticed my body stiffen because he stepped closer to me.

     I don’t know if Victoria was set on me having no friends or if she had just noticed how hot Tristan was, but she seemed determined to get whatever she had in mind done, and I knew she wouldn’t back down without a fight.

     I noticed how she flounced over to me, looking a lot like an oversized Barbie. Perfect looking, not a single hair out of place and today she was wearing a lot of pink. I actually liked the color pink, like the pink in candyfloss or pink tutu’s or pink ice cream. But Victoria wore it like it was going out of fashion. Looking at her literally hurt my eyes.

     “Hello, geek,” she said, her baby blue eyes scanning me over. “I’m, like, surprised you’re actually hanging out with someone, I mean, considering... everything.”  She took her time to giggle and look around nervously like she didn’t want to embarrass me even though I knew she was just rubbing it in.

     “Sorry Barbie, I didn’t know it was a crime to have friends,” I retorted, placing my hands on my hips in what I hoped was a menacing manner.

     Her eyes hardened slightly when she saw I wasn’t going to break down easily. She quickly turned to Tristan, looking like she had just seen a mouth watering fat free (in her case) ice cream sundae. “Hello,” she purred seductively. “I haven’t seen you around before... why are you hanging around with her?” she crinkled her nose like she had just said a forbidden word. “There are plenty more hotter, single girls than that little geek.”

     Tristan looked down to where her delicate fingers were trailing patterns on his smooth pale arm. For a moment I felt worried; like he would sweep her up in his arms and carry her away, bridal style. And wow, I had a right to be worried.

     “Oh, I’m sure there are...” he said in a low sexy voice, tilting his head ever so closely to Victoria’s. “And I’m sure I’ll include you in that ‘hotter’ category.”

     I just stood there with my mouth hanging open, looking at the way he was flirting with Victoria. I should have known he was stringing me along the whole time for Victoria. I just don’t know why I realised that now. I was stupid to become friends with him. Stupid!

     “And don’t forget the ‘single’ category,” Victoria giggled, batting her long dark lashes at Tristan.

     Tristan gave her a delicious smile before he bent down to make his lips brush her ear as he whispered, “I certainly won’t forget, Victoria.”

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