Chapter 10

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     I don’t know why I felt so angry about this, or so hurt. It was like I had done something to personally hurt her, but I had no idea what I had done. I wasn’t sure what Cassie was talking about, and I had no idea how I could find out. In a way I didn’t even want to bother. She said not to. She didn’t want to be friends, she would rather us be enemies, and I had no clue why. I didn’t even know why I felt so upset about it; it was like she was my best friend instead of just someone I knew. In a way she could have been my best friend – she was my only friend.

     But now I had Liz and Ebony. I didn’t need to be clinging onto a former geek for friendship did I? I shook my head to myself as I walked quickly to class. Cassie hates me, so I should just get over it.

     At lunch, Cassie had managed to avoid me – I never saw her once since our talk. Now, as I scanned the cafeteria, I still couldn’t see her. Maybe she was hiding from me.

     I felt bad as I thought about it. I wasn’t mean enough to drive someone to hide from me, was I? I hoped not. I didn’t want to be mean or stalk Cassie, I just wanted to know why. Just a simple answer I could comprehend.

     “Hey!” I saw Ebony and Liz waving me over from the lunch line. I waved back and began walking towards them, putting all thoughts and questions about Cassie out of my mind. Heck – she was my former friend, not my freaking lover or something.

     “Hi,” I smiled at them as I grabbed a tray and snuck into the line beside them. “I had to go to the bathroom,” I explained when I saw their confused faces.

     “Thanks for sharing!” Ebony joked while putting her hand over her mouth. “Now you’ve ruined my appetite!”

     I grinned. “All the more for me!”

     Liz swatted my arm. “Pig,” she laughed while I snorted for effect.

     We were in fits of giggles when we got to the front of the lunch line. We managed to choke out what we wanted in between our laughs, making us crack up even more.

     Taking our lunch, we walked over to a deserted table, trying to muffle our laughs. I had no idea what we were even laughing about now, which made it even more funnier.

     I put down my lunch tray and took a seat, snorting as Ebony tried to sit down but failed as she fell onto the floor. Liz grinned but rolled her eyes, clearly over the laughing disease.

     We finally calmed down and ate our lunch, chatting about random things.

     “So what’s up with Cassie?” Liz asked. “She seems to hate you now even though I saw you eating together on Friday.”

     I heaved a sigh. “I have no idea. She was fine the other day but now it’s just gone downhill.” Thinking about it just gave me a headache now, and I wanted to have fun more than wallow in self-pity. “Can we talk about something else now, please?”

     Liz and Ebony started talking about the next football game that was coming up and –of course- the football players.

     “I heard James has been flirting with Lola lately,” Liz excitedly squealed. “She is so lucky!”

     I couldn’t believe it. Was anyone in this school not in love with James?

     “What do you see in him?” I asked disgustedly. “He’s an idiot.”

     Ebony laughed. “A hot idiot. What did he do to you anyway to make you hate him?”

     “He’s a player.” I replied as if it would change her mind. “He’s heartless and laughs in the pain of others. He only cares about himself and doesn’t care about what anybody else thinks of him.”

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