Chapter 2

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A/N: Dedicated to Caits2001 because she voted, commented, and fanned!! Thank you! You're too kind :D

On that night we had gotten the money transferred to mom's bank account, and I think we both were itching to have a mini shopping spree.  

We made sure the money was in the account, then we headed to the mall in my mom's small, beat up car. As mom was driving, we chatted about what we were going to buy. 

"There's this really nice handbag that I saw in fashion weekly," mom said, sighing happily as we pulled into the mall parking lot. "It's black with heaps of silver dangly bits and buckles with..." 

She kept talking about all the things she now could buy, getting more excited as we entered the mall. I have to admit, the more excited she acted, the more excited I was myself. I couldn't help but wonder how I would look after all this, and if I actually suited this look. Me and mom decided to part ways, agreeing to meet up in a couple of hours. I decided to go to the hairdresser's first, finding one that looked relatively good. 

Walking in, I went up to the counter waiting to get served. A pretty blonde walked up and greeted me. "Hi, what do you want done with your hair today?" 

I shrugged. "I'm pretty hopeless with hair and stuff," I admitted, embarrassed. "I just want my hair to look really nice. Maybe you could just surprise me, but I don't want to spend more than two hundred dollars on my hair though." 

The blonde studied my hair for a moment, then her face brightened up. "I know just the thing!" she exclaimed, coming out from behind the desk. "If you sit over in that empty chair, and I'll be there in a moment." 

I obliged to her directions, sitting in the empty chair and observing my surroundings. There were hairdressers everywhere, skilfully snipping and coloring people's hair, doing everything professionally. I waited a bit longer until the blonde came over to me, smiling brightly. 

"Just relax now, and I'll start to do your hair," she said, placing a black hairdressing cape around my neck so I wouldn't get any bits of hair on me. She started to gently brush and comb the tangles out of my hair, amazing me at how it didn't hurt. Of course, when I brushed my hair I was in a usually mad rush, trying to hack the tangles out of my hair so that would have increased the pain a lot. 

I must have been in that chair for ages. By the time she announced she was done it felt like I had been in there for days. 

"You can look now," she said to me, passing a small mirror over. I took it from her and stared into it. 

It didn't even look like me. My mouth dropped open, as I stared at my appearance. 

"You don't like it?" the hairdresser asked worriedly. "If you don't, we can give you a refund." 

"No, no." I breathed. "It's amazing!" It was true. My boring brown hair was now brighter and shiny. It had a fun bounce and felt amazingly light. There were streaks of lighter brown as well and it was trimmed neatly at the back, stopping just below my shoulders. I was amazed at how a simple thing like going to the hair dressers could turn out. "Thank you." I murmured, gingerly touching my hair. 

The blonde smiled. "No problem," she said. "Now if you just come over to the counter to pay..." 

Once I had paid for my new hairstyle, which was cheaper than I had expected, I went to look around the mall some more, stopping when I passed a beauticians. Maybe there was some sort of face mask or treatment I could use for my face. So I curiously went inside to see, well, everything happening. Nails were being painted, makeup was being applied, facemasks were being used, and plenty more things were happening. I was instantly greeted by a woman who's nametag read 'Louisa' 

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