Chapter 16

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I looked around the field and grinned when I saw nobody out there. It was peaceful; almost weird that it was so quiet with no one around. I realised how nice it was in spring. The green grass was starting to grow faster, wildflowers of every color dotted the ground and the large oak trees with old twisted trunks were stretching higher than before, their acorns dotted around the base of the tree. I really loved the outdoor part of the school. There was the field which was where all the jocks and cheerleaders practiced – all their ‘fans’ in the bleachers, there was another part with plenty of picnic tables on another grassy area by the cafeteria doors which was where almost everyone ate on sunny days, and of course there was my favourite part. It was away from most of the commotion, slightly out of the way from where everyone else ate. There were lots of trees there, making it quite shady, but the sun came through some of the branches, giving it an enchanting feel with sun rays flickering on the pine needles covering slightly overgrown grass. Scattered flowers sprung up in random parts giving the sheltered, isolated part of the campus a nice feel to it, the faint scents from the flowers wafting through the air, making honeybees occasionally come over to collect pollen from the flowers… I couldn’t believe how quiet it was. It was like hardly anybody knew about it which was what made me like hanging out there.

     I felt like showing it to Tristan, knowing that he would love it. “Follow me,” I instructed to him, grabbing his hand and pulling him gently over to the secret area.

I dodged through the line of pine trees next to the field and showed him the isolated spot.

     “Woah.” I could hear Tristan breathe beside me. “This is amazing!”

     “I know,” I said, walking to the centre of the cluster of trees and sitting down. “This is my favourite spot.”

     “How did you find it?” he asked, following and sitting down beside me. I tried to ignore how close beside me he was sitting as I told myself mentally to calm down. “Oh, ages ago I came across it while having lunch,” I explained. “I was just looking for a secluded spot where Victoria couldn’t harass me and I stumbled across it.”

     “Somehow I don’t think Victoria would be coming here in the lunch break, so I think you’re safe.” Tristan said reassuringly while lying back comfortably.

     “That was the aim,” I replied while copying Tristan’s moves but lying on my stomach instead of my back. I tried to sneakily steal glances at his content face, his dark eyelashes flickering every so often. Wow! How did I ever end up with a friend that was super hot?

     I tried not to look at his plush lips that were pulled up in an almost smile and ignored the inner voice telling me to kiss him. I didn’t want to ruin our relationship by doing something stupid, even though I doubted Tristan would mind.

      We stayed like that, just relaxing in the specks of sun that came through the branches and making the occasional small talk. It was nice just hanging out with Tristan even if we weren’t speaking.

     I sleepily took my phone out of my pocket to check the time and almost did a double take when I realised our next classes were about to start.

      “I’m sorry,” I apologised while jumping up. “It’s just I can’t afford to miss another class or my mom would probably blow a fuse.”

     Tristan chuckled and stood up, brushing random pine needles off his shirt. “It’s fine.”

     I gave him a grimace to show how annoyed I was that I had to go. “I would rather stay here, but I want to keep my grades up, you know?”

     “Like I said, it’s fine,” Tristan said, shooting me an understanding grin. “Meet me outside the cafeteria before lunch so after I blow Victoria off we can hang here to have lunch. Deal?”

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