Chapter 18

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After turning down a couple of streets and walking for ten or twenty minutes in silence, I could make out the party at the end of a street. It was down a quiet road and was booming LMFAO’s latest song. I could hear whoops and yelling from people that were crowded around in the street, house and even on the road. The house was pretty nice looking, not like a mansion that hosts most parties in movies or books, but not a tiny house either. I guessed it must have been James or Victoria’s house.

     “Wow,” I managed. “I never thought it would have been this…”

     “Wild? Crazy? Entertaining? Loud?”

     I gave him a sheepish smile, “yeah. I suppose I’m just not used to these things yet.”

     “There’s always a first.” Tristan shot me a reassuring smile.

     We made our way over to the house, me having to step over multiple drink cans and stray plastic cups and rubbish. I was looking around warily, making sure no one tackled me randomly or did something equally weird.

     We managed to get up to the house where the music had gotten louder, and I stepped closer to Tristan. I saw a couple of my classmates dancing on lawn chairs while others were cheering them on. I walked inside to find colorful lights everywhere, their bright beams moving across the walls with people dancing everywhere. Tristan immediately pulled me over to where everyone was dancing and I shook my head furiously.

       “I don’t dance!” I yelled to him from above the music. Tristan rolled his eyes, but a smile played at his lips. “Come on!” he said loudly, patting his heart, “I’m heartbroken!”

     I sighed. “Fine. One song.” I said, pouting.

     It ended up being three before I pulled Tristan away. I was starting to feel hot and claustrophobic so I decided to take a break. I walked outside, leaving Tristan to get us a drink.

     I leaned against the fence and let the cool air fan against my flushed face. I looked up at the sky, the dark grey clouds covering the moon, the faint glow shining through.

     “Here’s your drink.” Tristan handed a plastic cup to me. “It’s only lemonade.”

     I nodded and gratefully took the cup, sipping it. “Thanks.”

     “No problem,” he replied, taking a drink from his own cup.

     I downed my drink quickly but I still wasn’t satisfied. “I might get another drink,” I told Tristan, “I’m still a little thirsty after all that dancing.”

     He nodded and I headed inside, dodging the random drunks. I walked over to the refreshment table and gave the girl behind it a small smile. “Could I just have a lemonade please?”

     She gave me a smirk. “Anything else or are you just gonna have it plain?”

     I shrugged. “Just normal please.”

     She cracked up. It was clear she had a little too much to drink. “I’ll give it a boost anyway.”

     I gave her a weak smile. “No thanks.”

     “Whatever,” she replied and prepared my drink under the counter. “Here you go.” She said after a moment, passing me a fizzing lemonade complete with ice. “Enjoy.”

      I gave her a grateful smile and took the drink. “Thanks.”

     Heading back outside to look for Tristan, I took a couple of sips of my lemonade. The lemon made the back of my throat tingle and the fizziness made me feel funny. It tasted nice and that was all that mattered. I went back to the spot where Tristan was meant to be, but he had disappeared. I didn’t worry though; I felt more calm and relaxed now and I didn’t need to worry about where Tristan was or wasn’t – he wasn’t my babysitter. I looked around, wondering where I should go. The party was in full swing now and I was starting to feel a small buzz now at the back of my skull, making me want to do something wild and let it all out. I looked down at my lemonade and realised it was empty. Oh well, I could get a refill soon.

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