Chapter 17

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The day passed quickly and I ended up meeting with Tristan outside the school after the bell went.

     “So we really are going to a party tonight?” I asked. I did want to go, but I wasn’t sure what to expect because I had never been to any of those parties before, and I wasn’t sure how I would fit into the party scheme. I always felt so low on the social ladder, so I had never bothered to think about parties before – until Tristan suggested it to me.

     “Sure, if you want to,” Tristan said. “It doesn’t sound too bad.”

     I smiled. “Okay then. What time will you pick me up?”

     Tristan shrugged. “It starts at eight but we can head there around eight thirty if you like. It’s not too far from my house so just get your mom to drop you off at mine and we can walk around there.”

     “Sounds like a plan,” I nodded. I wasn’t sure if I was nervous or excited. It was just a party, and I shouldn’t be making such a big deal about it. I headed home after saying goodbye to Tristan and started to plan what I would wear. What do you even wear to parties? I decided to just look through my wardrobe and see what I could find in there.

     When I got home I immediately went to find mom to ask about the party, who thankfully said yes after a bit of persuading.

     “And will there be alcohol at this party?” she asked. “You’re only sixteen, Alyssa.”

     “Mom,” I groaned. I definitely didn’t want this talk now. “Even if there was, I wouldn’t be drinking any. And Tristan’s going to be with me.”

     “Well, you’re going to have to take your own drinks - water, lemonade, I don’t care. Don’t drink anything at the party even if it’s non-alcoholic because there is such thing as drink spiking.”

     “Yes Mom,” I sighed. “Anything else you want to add to the lecture?”

     I saw her face soften. “Honey, it’s just because I care. I just want you to be safe.”

     I nodded, “Mom, I will be. You don’t have to worry.”

     “Okay then,” She sighed. “You can go.”

     Yes! “Thanks Mom!” I cried, shooting up from the couch to give her a hug. “You won’t regret it!”

     “I hope not,” I heard her mumble into my hair. “Now go and get ready. Do you need me to drop you off anywhere?”

     I pulled back from the hug. “Just drop me off to Tristan’s and I can crash at his after the party.” As I said this, I saw mom pause and I mentally kicked myself. There was no way I was going to listen to both the alcohol and sex talk in one night.

     “And what are you going to be doing while you ‘crash’ at Tristan’s?” she asked. “He’s a nice kid, but I certainly don’t want him as my grandchild’s father anytime soon.”

     “Mom!” I yelled, covering my ears. “I’ll just sleep on a couch or something, okay?”

     She seemed happy by my response and nodded. “Good,” she said shortly. “What time do you need me to drop you off?”

     “Eight fifteen,” I replied and headed to my room. I needed to escape before she did any more talks with me. I was going to be scarred for life if she kept talking to me about this stuff.

     Opening my wardrobe, I studied what I had bought over the last couple of weeks. Jeans, shorts, tee-shirts, hoodies. I couldn’t see any party-type dresses though, so I decided I’d have to wear something different. Finally deciding on my black (fashionably) ripped skinny jeans, I pulled on a tight black top and grabbed my only heels which were black wedge heels. I probably was the walking definition of ‘black’, but I didn’t really mind. I looked hot and that was all that mattered. I quickly ran a comb through my hair and straightened it so my usually naturally wavy hair became straight. I quickly applied some makeup – not enough to look like a walking Bratz doll, but enough to make me look more prettier than usual. I was rather pleased with my result, and I walked into the lounge for mom’s approval.

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