Tea for too many

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--------------------Anami POV---------------------------------------------

As we walked into class there was whispering going on, Sofia walked to Amber with me right next to her, "What's going on?"

Clio answered Sofia, "The fairies are picking the student who will host the next royal prep tea part today."

Sofia held her hands together and dreamed out tea parties, "I love tea parties! Before I was a princess, I threw tea parties in the village all the time. We spread blankets on the ground and borrowed teapots and teacups from our moms."

Hildegard frowned and crossed her arms, "Borrowed teacups?"

Clio followed her, "On blankets?"

Amber looked worried at her friends and looked at us, "Oh Sofia and Anami. These tea parties are a much bigger deal. The whole class goes even the fairies."

I looked at the trio again as I explained, "Well we didn't have much money and time to plan out our tea parties." 

They just ignored me and Hildegard continued, "See for yourself, Clio's had ponies." as she gestured to the wall.

Amber continued, "Hildy's part had a merry go round."

Then Clio said, "Ambers party was my favorite. W rode hot air balloons"

Amber remembers her tea party, "It was remarkable even for me."

Sofia looked at the paintings, "Wow, those parties are huge."

The trio then walked away to class as Sofia relooked at the painting and followed me to class.

-------------------------------------------------------In Class----------------------------------------------------------

As Flora was passing around a teapot with the scrolls of the princess's names in them she reminded everyone in the class, "As you know, only students who haven't had a chance to host a party should submit their names." When she walked up to Amber who had a whole bunch of scrolls, she stopped Amber and whispered something to her. 

Flora continued to walk around as Sofia put mine and her scroll into the teapot. As Flora was getting excited she used her wand she mixed the scrolls in the teapot and a couple of seconds before pulling a scroll and reading it. 

Flora gasped happily, "Oh! Princess Sofia!"

the students around started to clap for Sofia as Amber whispered to Sofia uncrossing her fingers. 

Flora flew over to Sofia, "Congratulations, Sofia! The tea party will be at your castle this weekend. You can throw any kind of party you like. This is your chance to show us who you are. Express yourself, and have fun!"

You can hear Hildegard say to Sofia, " You're going to have to do better than borrow teacups, Sofia."

Cleo agreed as Sofia giggled and sighed.

--------------------------------------------In the Carriage----------------------

On ower way home Amber started to talk to Sofia about the tea party, "There have been a lot of grand royal prep tea parties. What are you going to do for yours, Sofia?"

Sofia thought for a moment, "Hmmm, I have one idea."

Amber looked at her, "It's better to be spectacular because we princesses are not easy to impress."

James cut in, "Oh, Amber. It's just a tea party."

Anami says after James, "Amber this is Sofia's party let her do this I'm sure it will be fine and fun just like everyone else's tea party."

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