𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨: 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞

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Shikamaru Nara stood by the office door. Shit. I can't believe it. The silent voice of bad feeling unfortunately was right. You were paired with your least desired person to be paired with.

You didn't look at him as he got closer.

Tsunade started explaining. There were two places where Konoha could get information about the Akatsuki. The first was a rout to a neighboring country, the escort of merchants, where Naruto and Sakura were going to. The other one was a village in the Land of Fire, a mission with no fights, no enemies, just heading to the place to get information from the governant, who said he had some. Apparently, Shikamaru was paired with you in this because he just arrived from a long mission too. He was good at getting information, and so were you...

"You leave tomorrow. You are free now." The Hokage finished. Everyone made a reverence and left the room.

Sakura and Naruto took another path to solve things with Kakashi-sensei. Shikamaru and you still followed side by side for a moment.

"So, the smart ones paired in a mission." He said.

"As it seems." You answered with a fake smile, and kept walking.

"You better work fine with me. We won't have any fight to do, but try to cooperate in my presence, (Y/n)."

You looked at him for the first time in that day. You repressed the impulse to curse at him. "Of course I will."

"Well, see you tomorrow, then." Shikamaru said, and left home.

You stood there for a moment, annoyed, looking at the slim and tall boy who walked away from you, and a whole film went through your head.

As a kid, you were always one of the best students in the academy, but Shikamaru always did better. It didn't matter what you tried to do, he could surpass you. But it didn't take long for you to realize the real reason why you wanted to overcome him so much.

For years you had a "hate crush" on Shikamaru. At the same time he got you mad, he managed to wake something up inside you. You felt like this for years, but when the right age comes, girls understand a few more things about boys. You understood you were not skinny and boys didn't like you. You were just the fat nerd.

Boys showed you the lack of interest, mean girls told you this. You never forgot when Ino said you would never be liked by a guy because all they wanted was not even close to you. You didn't want anything from boys in general, but you knew Shikamaru was the same. He didn't even paid attention to you. Why would he?

You forgave Ino a few years later, you were even friends now; but what she said got stuck in your mind.

As the years passed by, you decided to never let anyone see those flaws of you. You created a character for yourself. Wearing tight and kind of revealing black clothes and using heel boots as your working uniform, you could be more respected as a terrifying figure. After you came from your parents' household (where you lived for almost one year to help them heal) you seemed to be another person. Stronger and mysterious, you made yourself look like someone unapproachable. People didn't want to get closer to you, so you owed Naruto for becoming friends with everyone again.

The only one you just couldn't get close was Shikamaru. Even if he didn't do anything, you resented him for your hard times. Maybe it was because you still liked him a little bit. Too much for you to admit. The boy was each day more handsome and intelligent, and you couldn't stop feeling like that: the feeling of desire to surpass him and show yourself you could get over it – and the desire to do things with him. It was all so confusing that you ended being grassy to him in every situation. Of course he noticed that, but you thought it was better for you like this.

With an annoyed sigh, you decided to stop looking at Shikamaru's back and head home.

"𝑶𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏"; 𝑁. 𝑆𝘩𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑢 𝑥 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now