𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞: 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝

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The days passed by fast. You left for a mission with Neji and Tenten – which made you feel lonely and in need. Being next to a couple for three nights got you thinking about Shikamaru a lot. He left so strangely after he took you home that afternoon. You thought maybe he had lost any interest in you, or if he was mad at you for some reason.

The day of Naruto's party had come by. You gave him your birthday gift the last day – a meal at Ichiraku's. Now, it was around noon, and the building was a mess. Sakura and Ino were all over the place, moving furniture, adding tables for the foods and drinks, setting lights and decoration. You tried to help, but, as always, you could not match their energy. So, you went home and just cleaned the house for later. The girls were going to meet at your place to get ready. You were so nervous about seeing Shikamaru again you only accepted Sakura's suggestion. You would need help to choose the outfit, anyways.

Around 5p.m., Sakura and Ino entered your apartment. A few minutes later, Hinata came by.

"So, do you want to eat something?" You asked the girls.

"Oh, I brought some chips." Hinata said, taking them out of her bag.

"You always get our back, Hina" Ino said. "I'm dying hungry!"

"God, me too." Sakura sighed.

You started eating, sitting on your bed. "So, what are you girls wearing tonight?" Ino asked.

Sakura took a pink dress out of her backpack. "This one I bought last year. I've been looking for wearing it for so long. Hope Sasuke likes it..."

"Oh my." Ino laughed. "You, Hina?"

"Just a skirt and a sweatshirt."

"Suits you perfectly. You, (Y/n)?"

"I don't know."

"What? You know the party starts in a few hours, right?"

"Yeah, but I just couldn't decide. I was hoping you would help me, Ino. You know, you like fashion and those stuff."

Ino smiled brightly. She was clearly amazed by the thought of dressing you up. She loved those things.

"Here comes the stylish again..." Sakura murmured, looking aside.

Ino got up, going directly to your dresser. "We are going to find something."

"Go for it." You said.

Ino picked up your clothes, one by one, analyzing them. "Okay, (Y/n). You have a lot of working clothes, and some of casual here and there. But what I found really interesting is this one." She pointed to a red crop top. "I've never seen you with one of these. It's beautiful, why don't you wear it? If you combine with some of your tight skirts, and..." Ino searched in her full bag. "These ones. I brought them just in case someone needs it. And there it is. Simple but elegant high heels that don't look like monsters."

"Hey! What are you calling my boots?"

"Sorry! But they really look like, warcore or something."

Sakura suppressed a laugh.

"Okay." You sighed, taking the heels from Ino's hand. They were round pointed black heels, not as high as your boots, and much more delicate. You didn't want to admit, but you liked it. "What about the rest?"

"I suggest this skirt and the red crop top. Will look a lot like a dress, and I think the colors still match your energy."

Ino was right. The four of you started getting dressed, Ino helping everyone with makeup. Hinata were a ponytail with light makeup, Sakura left the hair down and put some red lipstick. Ino were a high braid and glittery makeup. For you, she made an eyeliner with gloss, and put your hair down. "This is fitting so right. You're beautiful, (Y/n)!"

"You too." You smiled and went to the mirror to take a good look at yourself while the girls teased Hinata, asking her if she was confessing to Naruto tonight.

Well, you could say Ino had done a good work. You looked good. Sexy, not very "warcore", but the colors still reminded you of your usual self. You liked how your hair looked down, falling on your bare shoulders and collarbones. The tight clothes marked your curves perfectly. And Ino's heels made you tall enough to be a little more confident.

"Okay, Ino, you're approved"

"I know that. You all look beautiful. What do you think about me?" She said, pointing to her low waist pants and small crop top. Each one of you complimented her outfit. "Now that you boosted my ego, we should head to the party. We need to be there early, c'mon."


Naruto, Lee, Sasuke and Sai were already there. You smiled at Sakura's softness around the Uchiha boy. Ino were already shooting her shot at Sai. You noticed Hinata staring at Naruto, who was putting the last things together with Lee. "Hey, Hinata." You got close to the girl. "Why don't you try something tonight? For real. Everyone knows you liked Naruto for years. I don't think he's that stupid."

Hinata got all red, but laughed a little. "I wanted to. But I don't have enough courage. It's... well, I'm afraid he won't like me back. Or, what if I can't say anything? Oh, that's so hard..."

You felt a hand wrap your shoulders and get between you and Hinata. "Hey, did I heard something I can help?" Kiba said, smiling. You had to admit he was very charming with a loosen button-up shirt – with some open buttons, of course – and smelling a strong cologne. You always wondered why Hinata never tried anything with him. But sure, she was just like you, had eyes for only one boy.

"Kiba-kun! Please, be silent..."

"Nah, I'm already drunk. Hey, (Y/n). You look good today."

"Thank you. Where's Shino?"

"He's coming soon. I believe there was something to do with the bugs, was he cleaning their habitat? I can't remember. Well, anyways, he's coming." Indeed, Kiba looked kind of drunk-confuse. "But now, I want to know if you will confess to Naruto or not!"

They started fighting again, Kiba telling Hinata to confess, and Hinata begging Kiba to be silent. There was a cute friendship between those two. Maybe this was other reason why she never tried anything with him. You felt this way towards Shino, too.

You started walking around Naruto's apartment to take a look at the decoration. The lights were off, the place was only being enlightened by the party lights Ino had brought with her. The music was also very good, thanks to Ino's party-freak ass. There was just a long couch in the middle of the room, surrounded by the tables where Lee had already put the alcoholic drinks and where Choji would probably set his menu of surely good food.

Thinking about Choji led you to think about Shikamaru. They would come together, for sure. And late. Shikamaru was always late to compromises. You sighed, pouring a drink to yourself. You hoped you didn't get drunk today. Maybe, if your suspects about Shikamaru were right, you would want to get drunk for sure.

A few minutes later, you heard the door open and looked up, hoping it was Shino. To your surprise, your eyes met the figure you were desperate to see. Shikamaru wasn't late, as you thought he would be. Okay, just a little late. But not as much as you thought. He was wearing baggy pants and a sweatshirt, as always, but these ones seemed a little more formal. You noticed you never seen him wearing them before. His hair was in a messy ponytail, just like that one he was wearing the night you first made out. A shiver ran down your spine and butterflies filled your stomach. Quickly you looked down to your drink, trying to seem distracted and calm. You heard all the commotion people made for Choji carrying his boxes full of food. You were curious about what they were about, but you just stayed there a little more, looking at the widow. You were expecting the worst, as always. Shikamaru wouldn't even talk to you or look in your direction. He was probably upset...

"Waiting for someone?"

You looked back. There he was, hands on his pockets, looking down at you, in all black clothes and that damn messy ponytail. 

"𝑶𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏"; 𝑁. 𝑆𝘩𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑢 𝑥 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now