m u t e d - m a l i c e

65 17 9

prompt by poems.by.jenna on insta: muted malice

i don't rly know where i was going with this one haha but here it is <33333


your lips

drip with muted malice,

knives sheathed

in smiles,

words layered

in double meanings,

and i wish

you'd let your 

sharp teeth 

and hisses


so that we might not

fight with facades

but with bare souls

and salt-coated words,

no honey

to stick to the wounds,

no cloying sweetness

to spin your words

into sugar

let's cut right to the heart

and see what thoughts

are hidden

in the heartbeats,

let's allow our eyes

to be windows

and let us peer in

to see the raging storms

in each other's souls

and know that


cannot be contained

once let loose,

once it takes its first gulp

of freedom,

wanting to strike down

in a flash of scorching grief

onto the dry-wood shambles

we live under,

setting fire

to what we once thought

was someplace to go

when the world's storms

rained down more

than our palms

could catch--

who knew it would be

our own storms

that would drive us mad,

blindly clawing

against stinging torrents of rain,

wandering and wanting,

searching for the solace

we couldn't find

in each other's arms



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