5. Pleasant Or Unpleasant

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"Dad, we're eating here at Riya's. Yes, yes we are studying. What is that? Of course, we finished learning for tomorrow's test...we'll start revising after lunch".

Riya and I sat and watched Mishti bluffing to her father on the phone.

Out of the three of us, lying at home came most naturally to Mishti.

Mainly because Riya didn't have to. Her mom and dad were all for the new age parenting and would probably be cool even if she had a one night stand. And I didn't want to. Lie at home, I mean.

In the kitchen, Riya's mom, Saba Aunty was instructing their cook about lunch.

Me, Mishti and Riya's brother Krish were all curled on Riya's bed with her, watching TV.

"Riya, aren't you three supposed to be studying?", Saba Aunty asked peeping into the room.

"After lunch mom", Riya said dismissively.

"That'll do!", Saba Aunty said losing her temper "How long will you sit infront of the TV? Have you fed Versace yet, Riya? No, you haven't! Go and do that first".

Versace was the Dixit's new siamese. They had only bought it a few months ago on Riya's insistence after she had got inspired by seeing some stupid influencer on Instagram. But who on earth names their cat Versace? Riya. That's who.

"Can't", Riya said stubbornly "That cat is the most ungrateful animal I've ever seen. He sleeps with Krish all the time even though I'm the one who feeds it everyday".

"Then you should've thought about it before asking for a cat", Saba Aunty said unsympathetically.

"Maybe Versace will sleep with you if you don't keep yelling at him all the time", Krish suggested.

"I can't help it", Riya shrugged "He's so stubborn. He won't sit in a place, he won't obey anybody.."

Hmm. Reminds you of someone?

As Saba Aunty walked out, I decided it was high time I confided in Riya and Mishti about Rahul.

"He's going to ask you out soon, Zo. I just know it", Riya said confidently when I had finished telling everything to the two of them.

"If he doesn't ask you out within this week, I'll jump off our school terrace".

"You do that first", Krish who had come into the room snapped at Riya, "Then at least I can live in peace".

"Shut up and go away Krish", Riya said as Krish came infront of us blocking the TV screen, "You're not made of glass. Will you move your ass?"

When Krish didn't budge, Riya said, "God! I don't know how a whimp like you ended up as my brother".

"Ask that to mom and dad", Krish said "They made me together".

Mishti and I rolled on the bed with laughter.

"Smart boy", I said fighting down the mad desire to keep laughing "When I was eleven, I thought God puts a baby in your stomach when he feels like it".

Mishti laughed even more. Riya scowled.

"Enough with your bullshit Krish. Make yourself useful and go and see if dad is home yet..."

I naturally expected Krish to disobey but surprisingly he got up from his couch and wobbled out of the room. Riya was still lazily flipping the channels on TV and finally landed on Romedy Now where Fifty Shades Of Grey was going on.

Krish poked back his head into the room, "Dad just came home and mom asked you three to hurry up and come for lunch and..", he stopped as his eyes narrowed at the TV.

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