3: he's my -

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Dear D,

It was the first day of school- new faces and a brand new start. I was shy and excited at the same time. Will I meet my companions or friends for a lifetime? I pray that God will give me a friend, particularly a best friend, because I can't take it anymore... my life filled with loneliness for 15 years.

That morning was going quite good. It was nice to put together two pieces of a puzzle which are the names of my teacher and their faces.

I remember it was just after recess and I was just waiting for our third subject teacher that Monday. I was in my usual self- just sitting in my seat and quiet...and shy.

Then, you came.

You were probably wearing your red or blue polo shirt a teacher usually wears. I am not sure about the color but I guess it was your blue one matched with your black pants.

I remembered you controlling your face, maybe for the first impression to be a strict teacher to us.

All I remembered was my heart pounding. At that time, I thought it was just because of "first day of school" nervousness. But as I reflect now... maybe it was "heart-pound at first sight."

I don't believe in love at first sight but that moment that you came in to the doors of the classroom, all I know is that my heart rate is increasing, my hands are clammy, and... I am ecstatic and afraid at the same time.


I remembered that you started a lesson already in the first day of class. I remembered you asking "What is a Computer?"

I remember you. I remember every bits of you.


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