13: crying

11 1 0

Dear D,

It was the Table Tennis District contest. Well it was the day of my play but then around 1 pm, the Chess Coach if I could play for him because her player is gone. I just said "Yes."

Time passed, it was already 3 pm and I was still playing chess. I was wondering why no one was still calling for me- for my Tabletennis play.

Then, I later learned that Bea who is very good at sports took my place. She won my plays. My first reaction was to be sad. What I did was to run and hide away.

I hid near the library exit door, I was just utterly sad and I felt that maybe you don't believe in my capabilities as a Table Tennis player.

I heard my fellow table tennis teammates searching for me but I was shy to show up to them crying with my red eyes and nose.

When I started to calm down, I quickly went to the bathroom to fix myself.

Maybe it was around 5 pm already when I saw you. You said that I would be the one to play in the Area Meet. I just nodded.

I went home with a heavy heart.


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