28: hysterical aftermath

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Dear D,

My mom arrive and with the help of Tita Pita's car, she rose us back home. 

I was stuck at home. 

I remember wanting to go back to school.

One morning, they brought me to the hospital because I started becoming hysterical. I remember one of my uncle from Manila visited me. He prayed for me.

After that incident, I went back to our house where I stayed alone in a bed upstairs.


I was brought to many albularyos (folk doctors) and their advices wasn't great.

One albularyo said to my mom to let me do what I want to do. So, we watched movies for a consecutive of three days. I remember Cars 3 was one of them.

I was super sad and I just want to escape our house.

One time, I escaped our house again. I started walking to the direction of my school. Mom searched for me and found me in the highway.

I badly want just want to not be in our house anymore.



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