8: super shy

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Dear D,

Whenever it's Robotics Club Time, I was always present but I was so shy... especially around you. I'm so afraid to speak a word with you. I was so shy to look at you eye-to-eye.

I end up bowing my head to the ground or looking at anywhere else but you.

So near yet so far... I was just so shy back then.

I was going through this depression phase already but I didn't know. Probably my classmates and some people around me notice it... I don't know.

Thank you for the Robotics Award in Grade 9 Recognition... but I felt I didn't deserved it. I wasn't 100% all-out in our Robotics Club because first and foremost I was shy that I didn't have the means (money) to buy a robot part... yeah...

Thank you for letting me be part of Robotics Club.


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