26: hysterical part 1

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Dear D,

With that question you asked, I started to become hysterical.

I don't know, but the thought of someone knowing it, it just blew me away. 

It crushed the 'everything's-okay' wall I built around me for a long long time. 

After that question, I think I started texting back... but I already forgot what I said.

It was already 3 am, and I didn't sleep for 2 days already. I went outside my m mom-and-I's bedroom and sat on our dinner table to draw. I remember drawing skies with pastel for my uncle who just recently passed away. The next painting was of my godparent who was very close to me when I was young, I miss her. The last painting which I didn't get to finish was of that of a galaxy. It was then that dad saw me awake then he said to me to sleep already. 

I went to mom-and-I's bedroom... I tried to sleep but sleep won't come.

Around 4:30 am, I remember sneaking out. I saw the door downstairs open and I went out.



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