25: before the tornado

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Dear D,

I had a crush on this classmate named Nero because he was my seat mate. Hmm, he became my crush and I think I was obvious.

One night, I didn't sleep. The next day in class, I was still doing well.

But now things became blurry. I don't know why I went back to home and not to the apartment. At that time, my mom was in a far away place to attend a funeral.

And so I was in our home with my father. That night, I was still awake at 12 am I think. I don't know why I don't want to sleep.

I felt sad and empty inside. I was seeking for something I couldn't find.

Then, someone chatted me. I don't know who it was- I couldn't remember.

I just remembered the chat went like this.

Person: Is it okay to ask something?

Me: Yes?

Person: Do you have a problem with your family?

Then, I got hysterical just with that question.

All my life, I tried to portray to everyone that everything is okay, my family was okay... when in truth, everything was not really okay.

No one knew it and this person asked it, he knew it.



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