27: hysterical part 2

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Dear D,

That night, I felt that someone was searching for me so I ran away from our house.

When I went out, I just roamed around my hometown city. Reminiscing my happy and bad days.

Now, I realise, I just want to ran away out of our house because there's really no home there.

I went back riding a tricycle to our house wherein dad was there worried and paid the tricycle driver.


The next morning, my dad said that I need to go to school. I didn't want to but he keep saying "I need to."

He went with me to Tita Pita because I ride with her to go my school to the next town.

I went with her with a hazy mind. 

As I see the paddy fields passing by the window, my mind is really shutting down out of exhaustion, of more than 48 hours of being awake.


I reached school and my classmates was wearing school uniform- white blouse/polo shirt with navy blue skirt/pants.

I was the only one who was wearing my P.E. shirt. 

I started shouting and blabbering words. 

I remember shouting, "Someone hacked me..."

I remember that they brought me to the clinic. I remembered I was still holding my ukulele staring into space with a blank look. I remember my dorm's neighbour Tita Ely is the one who took me back in my apartment.

I remember just laying down in my thin bed on the floor. I remember wishing I wasn't born, wishing I didn't became Top 1...

I remember being so angry with my crush and with myself. I remember making my dp splattering it with words that I hate this certain someone.

The school called me and I remember going into the school administration office.  Sir Keith asked for my password and he removed that profile picture post and no one saw it.



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