33: congrats

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Dear D,

You unfriended me around last week. I noticed it but didn't look further... But today, I checked your profile and I saw a public post tagged with you and your... wife?

Umm.... I wish you all the best wishes as you start your married life.

I didn't feel a rush of hurt like before but... there's still a tinge of pain, ever so slightly within me...

or maybe I'm just pushing away my feelings.

At first, I thought you unfriended me because... I sent an email to you anonymously, it was an online event of a mall wherein they'll be the one to sent email messages and sender's can stay anonymous. But maybe you figured out it's me? That's why you unfriended me?

Or you unfriended me because you don't want me to see you married?

Or you unfriended me because it's like a statement that... I'm out of your life already?

This is the end of our path?
I think it is.

Good bye and I pray for you and your family's health. I pray for your wife too, I hope you have a marriage filled with love under God.



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