Ten: Tensions Rising

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Levi visited me every day while I recovered. I assumed maybe he felt lonely or guilty being one of the two survivors of his entire squad. He would always serve us both tea and talk to me about what was happening with the scouts while I was away. There wasn't much else to talk about.

When he would leave, the only people I had to talk to were the doctor and the nurses. All of my friends were dead. All of my family were dead. The only person I really had to keep me company was Levi. When I was completely alone, the only thing that kept me company was my mind.

I often thought about Petra. She should have been buried, but Levi explained that he had to drop all the dead in order to escape several Titans that were chasing after them. The weight of dead bodies was slowing them down.

I wondered how her family was handling the news. She was so loved and cherished. For a while, I couldn't help but feel guilty that it wasn't me who had told them about her death. Maybe that would have made it easier. I knew them. They seemed to like me. Did they hate me now? Knowing I survived, someone who had no one that would miss me, but their daughter died even with all the people that would miss her. It was cruel and unfair.

Today, no one had visited me. A nurse came in three times to give me my food, but she seemed busy and didn't stay to talk. After I finished dinner, I grabbed my crutch and hobbled across the room to the window, opening the curtain so I could enjoy the sunset. As I plopped back down on my bed, there was a knock at the door. The pattern was familiar and I perked up.

"Come in."

To no surprise, in stepped Levi, two cups of tea in hand.

I set my crutch against the bed and smiled at him. "You're later than usual."

He handed me my cup of tea in silence and took a seat at the chair by my bed. "There was a lot that happened today."

"Like what?"

He sipped his tea and looked out the window. "We found the female titan. Or better yet, the human that could turn into the female titan."

I raised an eyebrow, refusing to sip on my tea. "Who was it?"

His eyes met mine. He knew what this meant to me. This was the person who had killed Petra and eliminated our entire squad. The person who had seriously injured me to the point that I had now been stuck in a hospital for three weeks.

"Annie Leonhart. She had trained with Eren and the rest of the brats but she chose to join the military police instead of the scouts."

"What happened? Did she kill anyone else?"

Levi closed his eyes. "Too many. Her and Eren fought in the middle of Stohess. There were a lot of innocent people that were caught in the cross fire and died."

"What happened? Did she get away? Did you kill her?"

"No. She's in the custody of the military police."

"So she kills the Special Ops Squad and gets to vacation with the most useless regiment in the military?"

"I don't like it anymore than you do."

Huffing, I averted my gaze to the window, watching as the orange sky slowly turned pink with the disappearance of the sun.

"I can't wait to be out of here." I said suddenly, looking back to Levi. He only stared at me with a mixture of apathy and pity. "I'm going to keep going. And I'll destroy every human that is a traitor to humanity."

~ ~ ~

My sprained ankle truly was the most minor injury. I no longer needed my crutch to get around after a few weeks. At this point, I left the hospital against the doctor's wishes. Headaches had become a regular part of my day after my skull had been crushed, and right now it was making my head feel as though it would explode.

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