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Layla woke up the next morning. She checked her phone. There were no messages or calls from Tony. Yet. She knew it would come soon.

She got out of her bed and headed for the bathroom. After a quick shower and brushing her teeth she made her way to the kitchen.

She couldn't believe it, she had to look after Loki. Keep him in check. She! If it was that easy of a job, if someone like her could keep him in line, most of the things he caused wouldn't have ever happened. 

And it was a whole other thing that he was apparently alive. Thor had told them he died. How powerful you had to be to make everyone else believe you were dead? Trick other Gods. 

They were Gods, literal Gods. If Thor and their father Odin, the Allfather, couldn't make him behave, how was she supposed to do it? If even they fell to his tricks, how was she supposed to prevent those tricks?

If she could really make it, and that was a big if, maybe Tony was right too, maybe this would be enough to finally convince the higher-ups. Layla scolded herself mentally. She was thinking, planning, hoping and she hadn't even seen Loki yet. It was Loki, Loki!

The God of Mischief. The Trickster God. He invaded Earth just a couple of years ago! He sent a metal machine to kill his brother a year before New York! 

Then it clicked. It was on purpose. The government gave this assignment on purpose. Because she would surely fail and they'd leave the blame on her. Extend her deal. It was just a ploy to keep her chained more.

Of fucking course.

She walked into the kitchen. And surprisingly found Vision there. "Layla," he gave a small smile, "Good morning,"

"Good morning to you too," she replied. "Tony was looking for you," she continued. He tilted his head. "Ah, yes. I've heard,"

She upped her brows momentarily and directly walked to the coffee machine to make some. It seemed like Rhodey hadn't woken up yet, or hadn't come to the kitchen, and there was a silent agreement between them. Whoever woke up earliest would make the coffee enough for the both of them.

"I know it's literally none of my business, but where have you been?" she asked, her back turned to him. "Neither Tony nor Rhodey knew where you were,"

She heard him put his elbows over the counter. "Just... some private things I needed to attend to," he replied. Well, he was certainly up to something. Since when did he have private things?

But then she decided not to push it. It was her who didn't have her freedom, it was her who wasn't allowed to have private things, it was her who was a prisoner. She didn't have the right to judge Vision. He had his own life too.

"Oh," she mumbled, "Cool,"

She then walked to the fridge and prepared a bowl of cereal for herself. It was either cereal or toasts for her. She wasn't big on breakfast. She hadn't been ever since she became an Avenger.

"I heard about your father. I'm truly sorry," Vision said. She forced out a smile. Even though he didn't need to be, he was always kind. He never acted like he blamed her ever since she was prisoned here and he never brought hard topics up.

"Thanks," she murmured. "I also hear you're leaving again," he continued. She was glad for the change of topic. 

"Yeah, Thor's back. You heard?" she asked. "Yes, Tony mentioned," Vision replied. "And something about Loki too,"

Layla nodded. "Yeah, fingers crossed," she murmured. Vision tilted his head. He did that a lot when he was confused. "I'm sorry, I don't follow,"

"Uhm, well, I know you weren't... alive back then but you do know what happened?" she asked. "Yes, I do. I have access to J.A.R.V.I.S.'s information," he replied.

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