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*Takes place between Chapters 20-21*

The sun was bothering him.

It could be because of the fact that it was noon and the sun was at the top or that he hadn't really left his house in days.

In truth, the only time he had left his house was when it was absolutely necessary. To get food, to get Asgardian Ale, or that he needed to show Val that he wasn't dead and rotting away inside the walls.

And the chickens. Those damning chickens.

He was leaning on the fences, feeding them with the food he had conjured. The stupid animals were clucking as they ran to the seeds falling to the ground.

It had been five years and these stupid creatures weren't even the same ones that she had cared for. But she had come to care about the fucking chickens when she was here and there was no one who would properly look after them with her gone and he was missing her more each day and his head wouldn't spinning.

So, he was here, feeding the chickens. Even after five years.

There was a part of him that wished to leave it alone, leave the chickens alone, and let them die. Maybe, maybe then she'd show up and give him a mouthful of not taking care of the animals properly.

She'd shout, she'd curse, her eyes would be squinted and that vein on her neck would pop off. But she'd still be there.

She was gone. She had been gone for five years. Along with the half of the universe. And there was nothing to do, even his brother had given up on all of it and the only thing Loki could do was to feed the damn chickens.

"I think that's enough," Val said, leaning on the fences next to him.

He shrugged. "Is it? I can never tell,"

"You weren't at home," she replied.

He turned to her. "And as you can see, I am still alive," he sighed, "So, you can go back to your life. Check up on me next week,"

Val flicked her tongue. "I wasn't looking for you to check up on you. Although, it is nice to see you're not dead," She furrowed her brows, "Forget I told you it was nice to see you alive,"

"Won't be a challenge," he frowned. Sometimes, he forgot he was alive too.

"You have a visitor," she continued.

Loki turned back to the chickens and threw some more seeds their way. "I hardly think my brother counts as a visitor. Is he even awake?" He didn't need to ask if he was sober, he already knew the answer.

"It's not your brother," she exhaled. "It's Banner. Or Hulk. I don't know. And a talking raccoon,"

He furrowed his brows. "What do they want?"

"Your royal asses, Prince," Val replied. "They want to talk,"

"I don't want to talk," Loki snapped. They had done all the talking in the world five years ago and it hadn't changed any damn thing.

Val tsked. "I told them neither of you were going to be up for it but, well, they said they had a plan now,"

"You were right," Loki muttered. The village had lost many people too. His brother had given up, on everything. So did Loki.

Power, influence, being a God... It didn't mean anything, not anymore. Why fight and try and struggle if you lost at the end anyway?

"Well, they said they weren't going to leave before they talked with both of you, so," Val said.

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