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A/N: This chapter has smut too (at the end) and as always, if you don't want to read it, you can skip and won't miss any plotlines about the story :)

Layla had her heart broken before. Her sophomore year boyfriend cheated on her. The next one only dated her to sleep with her. The girl she fooled around with in the first year of college didn't want to commit.

Least to say, she had her own share of messy breakups. But she never thought she would ever feel this kind of hurt and pain over something that wasn't even technically a breakup.

They hadn't been together. There were mutual feelings, true, and then there was that whole night but that was it. You couldn't count that as a breakup, there was nothing official.

It had been a couple of days but every time they were in the same room together the nagging pain in her chest only got stronger.

And she couldn't let it go. She told him to do it but she couldn't do it herself.

It was funny to think about, when she first met him she hated his guts. Then she didn't even pay any mind to him after he was brought back to Asgard. She was constantly annoyed by him when they first got here.

Now, though, it was a completely different thing. Her heart fluttered whenever she thought about him. Warmth spread all over her body when they were near. She wanted him, to be with him, all in.

But she couldn't. Once she'd leave this place, and she would- very soon, there was no telling what the future would bring. No, what she did was right. There was no point in leaving behind someone else.

The celebrations really did a take to recover from. Asgardians partied a lot and hard. However, even with that, ever since Vision visited, there was little left to do.

Every day that Layla woke up and helped, she knew she was bringing her deadline closer. Most of the village was now built. Asgardians had settled in, knew how to live on Earth, everything was almost done.

Each time her phone vibrated or rang, she'd look at it with fear and anticipation, waiting to receive the news of her departure. Knowing her time was coming to a close was really bad. Because she knew it was coming, knew there was nothing she could do and yet she was continuing to enjoy it.

If only she could leave right now, ripping the bandage off and be done with it.

"Layla! Hey!"

She turned around to see Sigurd waving at her. "Hey, hi,"

"Are you busy?" he asked, getting closer.

"Not really. What's up?"

"We just received the latest cargo. Been looking for people to help move it to the town hall. Everyone's lacking off these days,"

"Oh, sure. I could help," she replied. He smiled and then they started walking.

He was in the middle of telling a story about his daughter while they were walking up the hill. From there, Layla could see the change in the village and how much progress they made in these past months.

"Can I ask you something?" Sigurd asked hesitantly. "You don't have to answer, of course,"

She cocked an eyebrow. "Should I be afraid?" she chuckled.

"No," he smiled. "Please tell me if it does cross a line,"

"Come on, we are friends, right?"

"Alright," he sighed, "In that case, Helga and I, uh, the other day at the party, we, uhm, we saw you with the Prince and we were wondering,"

Perfect Storm I LokiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora