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*Takes place during Chapter 16*

Loki was left alone in his brother's house.

Thor had stormed out after the revelation and Heimdall had followed closely by. And Layla, the expression on her face, Loki didn't yet know if it was the thing he was afraid of seeing.

He thought she'd give her biggest reaction when he revealed he had the Tesseract, but, no, her reaction was just okay. But the things he had just said, she hadn't said a proper word throughout them.

He was confident that he got to know Layla enough but his mind couldn't help but wonder. He had always been the monster, had always been the one deemed dangerous and the enemy, and what if she had finally reached the same conclusion? What if she was repulsed by him and his actions too?

He needed to talk to her.

Even if she was going to say the very words he dreaded hearing, he still needed to talk to her. But in order to do that, Loki needed to talk to his brother first.

He walked out of the house and went in search of his brother. It wasn't that hard as bolts of lightning were all coming down in one particular area. Thor liked to do that a lot when he was mad.

"Thor," he said once he teleported to where the lightning was hitting. He was walking back and forth in front of the spaceship.

"What Loki?" his brother spat.

"Let's talk," Loki offered slowly.

"Talk about what, Loki? I thought you were doing better, I thought Lady Wilson was helping you walk the better path,"

"She has nothing to do with this," Loki muttered.

His brother raised an eyebrow but kept on talking. "But then you go and do this,"

Loki smacked his lips. "And what is it that I did exactly?"

"You have the Tesseract!" Thor exclaimed, turning to him.

"Okay, and what's so bad about that?"

"What's so bad," Thor muttered silently then raised his gaze. "Brother, this is your hunger for power overshadowing your logic once again. Whenever this thing becomes involved, you lose sight of all that really matters,"

Well, that was about enough Loki had.

"Thor, you big stupid oaf!" he snapped. "I was never doing any of this for power, you blind moron! I was doing this for you, for us, for Asgard! I was only trying to protect us,"

His brother looked confused, as he often did whenever they talked.

"No, tell me, are you really this stupid? Because I know you to use that thing inside your head we call a brain. Can't you really see that all I have been doing was to make sure you stayed alive?"

"Loki--" Thor murmured.

"Stop. Of course, you have never thought to think of it that way. Why would you? Why would your little evil brother tries to make sure you're safe after he tried to kill you so many times, right?"

"Okay, now you're lashing out at me," Thor said. "I saw that on TV, it's not good for your health,"

"And, I'm supposed to be the one who's mad right now," Thor added, slightly frowning.

"Because you have always been so considerate of my well-being?" Loki muttered.

"Of course, I have. Loki, I told you, I thought the world of you. I still do,"

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