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*12 monthes later*

taehyung sat on the couch feeding the baby when jungkook ran into the living room excitedly.

"baby! i got it! i got the job!" jungkook jumped around before stopping seeing a tae glaring at him cutely while their baby rubbed his eyes with tiny fists.

"jihyun is trying to sleep kookie." tae said rocking the baby boy in his arms softly, he patted the couch next to him for his boyfriend to sit.

"let me see." jungkook held it so taehyung could see and it did i fact say jungkook got a job at a tattoo parlor he loved.

they liked it because yoongi worked there and it was not fare away from the apartment.

taehyung smiled and kissed his boyfriends cheek before laying down on the couch with the baby on his chest deciding to nap.

"i'm so proud of you jungkookie." tae said holding his boyfriend hand who blushes lightly and kisses the smallest hand.

"i love you princess." jungkook said pulling a blanket over the two loves of his life as they drifted of into slumber.

as he want he's them it all hit him, this all happened because if instagram.

the thought made the ravenette chuckle alittle, how did a social media app which could destroy people's lives make jungkooks life so much better.

he decided not to care for once and just watched the two sleep, before laying down also deck to nap.

*5 years later*

"jihyun! sit still!" jihyun sat in the white wooden chair while jimin and jin did his hair and fixed his tiny suit.

You see, he was going to be the flower boy for the weeding. the flower boy for taehyung and jungkooks weeding.

"where's mama?~" jihyun whined kicking his feet but they all stopped when they saw a now permed black haired tae come out with a white suit looking stunning.

"holy shit mommy you look amazing!" jihyun yelled to which all the adults eyes widened at.

"jihyun who thought you that?!" jin said holding the boys cheeks.

"uncle chim!" the 5 year old said with a smile and tae and jin looked to jimin said was looking everywhere but at them.


*time skip to reception*

taehyung held jungkooks hands tightly as they both mailed at each other.

"do you jeon jungkook take kim taehyung to be you husband?"

"i do."

"do you kim taehyung take jeon jungkook to be your husband?"

"I d-do." taehyung smiled as a tear slipped from his eye.

"i now pronounce you married you may now kiss the other!"

and they did, and it was wonderful, as their lips touched sparks ignited in their bodies, jungkook held taehyung waist as his arms wrapped around the tallers neck not being able to get enough of each other.

when they parted jungkook wiped his now husbands teary cheeks and  kissed his forehead.

"at no crying jeons don't cry." taehyung glared at him cutely punching his shoulder.

"don't think i didn't see you wipe your test while i walked down the isle." and when they were about to kiss they felt two tiny arms wrap around each one of their legs and tiny giggles.

"mommy and daddy love each other!" jihyun giggled making grabby hands at his father.

"jihyun we have always loved each other we are just married now." taehyung nodded kissing his son who was in his husbands arms on the cheek.

"i want to love someone like daddy loves mommy." taehyung felt his eye fill with tear again and he pulled the two into a hug.

"you will baby, and they will love you just as much."

and with that the jeons walked out to the crowd of their family and friend greeting people and meeting or remeeting people.

and to think, this is all because of instagram.

one more chapter guys 💔

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