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As the cold breeze blew outside as I was protected from it by the small walls and thin glass panes that were slightly covered by white curtains. I was seated onto my green velvet couch covered by a crescent moon blanket. It was my night off for a change. Ed and Lorraine were taking a small break after our last case and lots happened as we preformed the exorcism, every time I close my eyes I still see the horror. I pull up my blanket a little bit further as I watch the tv which was now just running ad's. Suddenly a ring comes from my dark blue phone on the wall, I get up slowly but surely and pick it up.

"Oh hello y/n, thank you for picking up I hope I did not wake you sweetheart!" I heard the familiar reassuring voice of Lorraine. Before I say anything I get a wave of fear and confusion.

"Oh hello Lorraine! Is everything okay, you wouldn't usually call this late?"

"Oh sweetie if it's this time of the night what do you think the answer will be?"

"Oh well yeah, what's up?"

"As me and Ed were getting ready to leave the presentation the other day Drew had brought up this kind mother. She said her family was experiencing something and she hoped we would check it out, me and Ed went and did so and it's...it's so evil."

Before I say anything I can tell Lorraine was serious and I get a wave of evil and fear. "I'm assuming you guys need help?"

"Yes sweetheart if that is not to much to ask?"

"Lorraine when would I ever say no!"

"Oh alright, I'll have Drew pick you up early tomorrow morning around seven?"

"Okay Lorraine I shall see you tomorrow!"

"Goodbye y/n"

"Goodbye Lorraine."

As I hang the phone back on the wall I can tell this case will not be easy. From my feeling to the sound of Lorraine I'm worried, not just for me but for Ed, Lorraine, the family, anyone else involved, and Drew. I flopped back onto my couch realizing I should get to bed soon. Drew was picking me up at seven. Me and Drew had talked at presentations and shortly on cases but not lots. He seems very sweet and his humor is nice, at least I'll get to know him some more tomorrow. As I sat up a wave of evil passed over me again and I flopped back down. Whatever this family is experiencing is awful and they don't deserve this, no one does.
I shot up and walked to my room and got ready for bed. I brushed my teeth, put on some lotion, than slipped on some blue night joggers than the matching sweater. I layer down on my bed, on top of the covers and pillows and put my hands on my stomach. I grab my blanket and put it over me and before I close my eyes I think, tomorrow at the house it will either be the house that is evil, or the land and no matter what the entity there is evil, horrendous, and awful. We need to help this family.

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