Chapter 12

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"Ready?" Lillian asked as she closed the door leading to her room in the inn.

"Yep," Kai replied. She was standing on the other side of the hallway facing Lillian. She took a second to stare at the blonde girl across from her before answering.

"Okay then, let's go," Lillian responded. She closed her door and turned around, she began walking down the hallway. Kai followed her and soon caught up to Lillian so they were walking side by side. Their feet slowly fell into a similar rhythm and Kai relaxed a little.

The pair had woken up in the morning, slightly hungover, and had packed up swiftly. They needed to continue their journey to the castle in Europe. General Hoac had informed Kai that they would be camping once more after hiking today, so she said goodbye to the comfortable bed and privacy and prepared for the tent.

Kai checked the duo out of their rooms and they left the inn, heading for the town outside. She felt the breeze hit her face the moment she stepped out the door. It washed over her like a needed wave of cold. The sun was out and there were plenty of people roaming the streets. As Lillian and Kai walked through the town for the last time, they heard people whisper about Lillian and the ball the night before. A few of them came up and complimented her dress and how gorgeous she was, Kai had to agree. Lillian was very patient and thanked everyone for their compliments. She hugged and shook hands with everyone until finally they were once again left alone.

Lillian sighed, "Wow."

"You okay?" Kai asked, she turned her head to see Lillian have a tired look on her face.

"I know you might make fun of me for this," Lillian started, they both laughed, "but I hate talking to all those people, I try to put a mask on but I would much rather be left alone."

"Yeah, Kai agreed, "I feel the same too, especially with a good book."

"Oh my goodness, Yes!" Lillian exclaimed, "Finally someone gets me!" They both laughed again.

As they neared the woods and the edge of the town, Kai asked, "So what books do you like to read?"

"I have so many!" Lillian exclaimed. Kai smiled and she grew even more curious.

And so their journey continued.

* * *

Thank goodness for boots, they had been lifesavers during the hike. Kai enjoyed them way more than the heels she wore for the ball, at least the boots didn't give her blisters and squish her toes. They were especially helpful walking through the woods the morning after the ball. It had rained that night and now all that was left was the mud. The boots and pants made Kai have an easy time walking through the woods. Lillian on the other hand wasn't as lucky.

Lillian had worn yet another dress, Kai assumed that was the only thing she owned. The dress caused more problems on the expedition, but Kai tried not to let it get to her. The weight and maneuvering needed to slow Lillian, which caused Kai to walk slower so they did not go as far or fast. Kai chose not to say anything, she didn't want Lillian to feel bad, so she kept her mouth shut.

However, it wasn't all bad. The extra slow walking allowed for Kai and Lillian to talk more and learn more about each other. Kai had learned that Lillian hated castle life and had always wanted to go camping, so this expedition was a good excuse for that. She also learned that Lillian had a dog named Rose and Lillian loved her dearly. Kai told her about her sister and mother, she was careful not to mention her father, it was still too painful. She also talked about her childhood and even mentioned the happy parts of her training.

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