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        My eyes shifted towards Sjin, who still had a guarded look in his scowl and his arms crossed over his chest defensively. The wind that had picked up considerably tousled his hair and clothes around, and the shade from the forest I was currently hiding in cast broken shadows across his figure. Even in the midst of all this turmoil, I still felt a flutter in my chest as my gaze ran up and down his body, slamming me with very inconveniently retrieved memories.

        Without moving an inch, Sjin cleared his throat and raised his voice to say "Kirby. Come on out."

        I jumped, and then silently cursed myself for failing my stealth mission and getting easily distracted. I couldn't let my love for the farmer derail me; I had to stay focused and find out what was going on with this Sips character before I could let my guard down and trust Sjin's judgment.

        I raised myself up and squared my shoulders, prepared to walk out there with confidence and hope, if not intimidate, at least show this man that I wasn't something to scoff at. Stepping around the bush I had been hiding from, I rested my hand on the hilt of my sword, readjusted the pack on my shoulder, and made my way towards them. 

        I felt my foot catch on a root and I stumbled for a second before regaining my balance. My face involuntary burned and all thoughts of being intimidating left me as I saw the pompous smirk that flashed across Sips' face. Sjin, on the other hand, had not changed his expression, and continued to glare at me as I stop a little ways away from them, forming a small triangle. I decided early on that going over to stand at the farmer's side wasn't the best idea, especially when he looked so volatile. It was like all those months of work had disappeared, he was the man I had met nine months ago.

        "Who's this thing?" Sips asked, looking me over. My blood boiled as I watched his pale, laughing eyes judged me as if I were mere entertainment to him.

        "Kirby," I answered before Sjin could say anything. My voice came out stronger than I felt under both men's scrutinizing gaze, and I raised my chin so I looked down my nose at him, trying to keep up the confident facade as apprehension crept into my chest. It was like cold fingers, wrapping around my lungs and heart and making me dizzy with lack of oxygen. I feared this man; I knew who he was and I knew he was capable of ruining the life I had established here.

        "Ah, Lewis told me about you're little play thing," the spaceman laughed, "I just didn't think you'd choose something so small and weak looking." Sips had been looking at me while he said this, but his eyes fixed Sjin with an incriminating look as he said, "I always thought you prefered the more masculine types." As if to emphasize his point, the man crossed his arms over his chest and deliberately flexed his muscles.

        I was already bristling at the 'weak' comment, and I had to clench my fists by my sides to keep my hands from shaking as he deliberately threw Sjin's sexual orientation in my face. I didn't know if it was actually true or not, since Sips didn't seem like the most honest person, but it still made me grit my teeth in rage. "Why don't you come over here and I'll show you who's-"

        "Be quiet," Sjin hissed, earning me a smug look from Sips. He was still looking between the two people in front of him, measuring and weighing us.

        I was ready to scream and cry and throw a tantrum; I wanted to yell at him for being so docile and allowing this guy to say such things to his current partner. How could he just stand there, watch this exchange, and be so emotionless as my pride was quickly and mercilessly knocked out of me. I took a deep breath and concentrated on keeping my voice steady as I said, "I'm not going to sit here and be insulted on my own property."

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