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        "Kirby," I heard Sjin call before I felt him toe me lightly in the side with a boot to wake me up. I blinked rapidly into the morning sun and sat up, trying to get my bearings. I momentarily panicked when I was met with the sight of endless water, but then memories of yesterday flooded back to me, including the night spent in fits of dream and reality while in Sjin's arms. "Were almost there," he continued when I sat up, nodding towards a speck on the distant horizon as he rowed.

        As expected, Sjin gave no inclination towards what had happened last night, though I was fine with him not acknowledging it if it meant we could do it again. It was almost if I had him in some sense, and if I had to deal with the cold shoulder after anything remotely intimate, then so be it. And maybe if I don't push his pride or temper he'll come to whatever terms he needs to on his own.

        I rubbed the sleep out of my eye and stretched my shoulders, stiff from my sleeping position last night. I quickly collected my makeshift pillow and and stuffed all my things back in my pack, making sure to pull out some breakfast for Sjin and I while I was at it. I handed him some bread and honey, which he gladly ate as we drifted closer to the island. Tall, sheer cliffs were now visible, and the rest of the morning was spent watching them grow in size as we took turns paddling.

        I felt a new burst of energy while I rowed when I realized that I could see the factory from here. It had two cylindrical shaped towers that connected in the middle like a large letter H. The colossal structure was made out of a dull metal and rose into the sky, housing at least five or six floors. A tall metal fence surrounded the parameter and as we approached the docks I could just make out wires and pipes that snaked their way around the compound. I was in awe, yet Sjin seemed indifferent, as if he'd seen it a thousand times.

        Sjin swung himself over the side of the boat to land on the wood planks of the dock. I wordlessly started passing him crates of potatoes and apples, which he took without thanks and stacked them on the deck. When we were done moving everything my back and arms were aching once again, but I was filled with so much adrenaline that I could have moved another load like this if it meant we were going to meet these people. I started to make my way off the now empty boat, excited to check out this factory.

        "Stay in the boat until I get back," Sjin said gruffly, paralyzing me in my tracks.

        'Wait, what?!" I asked incredulously, hoping I had miss heard his statement. I had come all this way to meet this people and now I couldn't even go on land?

        He grabbed my shoulders and got close to my face. "This isn't like the farm. It's dangerous here, I need you safe," he said, shaking my slightly.

        "No!" I exclaimed, shoving him off me, "I'm not just going to sit here while you..."

        "Sjin!" someone called, cutting me off mid-sentence. We both turned our heads to locate the voice, and I saw a tall man with dark hair making his way down the hill towards us, waving his hand above his head with a smile on his face. I had almost mistaken him for Ridge, though he had on a stripped shirt and a red blazer instead, so I quickly tried to cover up my shock. As he reached us, I could see that his hair was styled in a quiff along with a beard that was shorter and neater than Sjin's. His blue eyes were full of warmth, and he immediately went for the farmer, offering his hand and then clasping him on his back.

        "How are you friend?" he asked kindly, "I hope your travels were unhindered."

        Sjin returned the shoulder pat, seemingly uplifted by this man's mood. "We ran into a group of skeletons, but we were able to deal with them," he boasted, proud of our achievement.

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